Saturday, May 15, 2010

Please tell me how a person of color, a gay person, or a working-class person can be a Republican.?

You know that party has fought tooth and nail against every social program proposed: Social Security, the WPA that ended the depression, Medicare, a rise in the minimum wage, gay marriage, and on and on. Where on earth would the aging population be without Social Security or Medicare?? One-third of this country was unemployed in the depression, yet the Republican party fought Roosevelt over the WPA (putting unemployed people in make-work jobs).

I read once that the Republicans have done a magical thing: They have convinced working class people to vote against themselves. Apparently they have also convinced gay people and people of color that they really do hold the same values, they are just hidden somewhere. Perhaps they will spring out one day.

Do a little reading, please. Study a little history. Turn off the television. Research into which party shares your values. If you think of yourself as a present or future millionaire, perhaps the Republican party is for you.

Please tell me how a person of color, a gay person, or a working-class person can be a Republican.?
As a sorta liberal, I can understand a little why. Part of it is the dream of I can be rich someday. Damned unlikely, but the GOP has the middle class fooled on that score. He passed billions in tax cuts the middle class will never see, %26amp; made them believe they would benefit. He then ran a budget surplus into a several trillion shortfall, making his banking buddies rich from the interest.

One thing I don't like about liberal values is the sense that we know what is best for you. And we don't. Our tendency is too often forming a dependency upon the help offered. Another factor is quite a few successful minorities assume responsibility for their own lives, %26amp; don't want or need special favors. Real people want no special privileges.

But the vast majority of us are just plain conned. We believe the lie. 2004. In Florida. We really lapped it up that George %26amp; Jeb had their shirt sleeves rolled up, handing cases of bottled water to hurricane victims driving by in their cars. The reality is that photo shoot took 30 minutes tops, interfered with real relief work for hours, %26amp; gave an excellent shot in the arm for the GOP a few weeks later at the ballot boxes. It was after the election during Hurricane Katrina when they showed their real values, too late to take back the election from them . They did not have to pretend to care anymore. Yet at the next photo op, we forget the hypocrisy from before %26amp; feel them fake warm fuzzies again.

Those WPA, CCC, %26amp; RCA jobs mentioned. they were real jobs building real projects at a bargain price, most of which are still well used today.
Reply:Because they are AMERICANS and they are free to vote for anyone that they feel will best represent them.
Reply:Party affiliation has as much to do about economic issues as it does social issues. Some blacks feel that the Republican mantra of "family, Christian values" out weighs the fiscal irresponsibilty or anti-blue collar image. Some gays feel that the Republicans issues of how to deal with national defense is more important than gay marriage. It is all about self preference. Why is it that some uber-rich people have a Democratic agenda when they would be better represented by the Republicans?
Reply:Short term memory loss!
Reply:Because what I am on the outside, who I choose to be with or because I work because I like to eat, does not change the fact that I don't agree with ALL of either parties belief systems. I am equally divided an many issues. Obviously I want to leave this place worth saving for my children. My Moral values outweigh the selfish gratifying ones. Hence, I support more Republicans than Dems.
Reply:The only Republican I know is working in Ky in politics..we used to be good friends and now he's so caught up in "himself" that I don't matter..I always vote Democrat because I am poor and I hope maybe that they can understand a little of where I am at and do something to help me..not that I have seen a lot of that lately (with Clinton).
Reply:I met a bi republican... It was scary..... My friend is a Republican, and all of his friends-- including myself-- are way liberal. And, he's a working-class imigrant.... I really don't know how that happens. Perhaps self-recrimination, or masochism.
Reply:I am working-class.

I also have a college degree, and I have studied history. I read at least two books a week. And not novels, romances, or comic books, either.

I don't want my working-class tax dollars going for social programs that only encourage people to stay home and watch TV. Additionally, I don't want to vote for people who will legislate against my values.

That's why I vote Republican.
Reply:I am not gay or of color but I am definately a working class person. I am educated and I understand that people have different opinions. My values are the same because I believe in the word marriage for men and women and the word and civil ceremony for gay and lesbian couples. That doesn't make me evil or bad. It is my opinion, not harsh,not mean. Its my opin that I do not try to push on anyone. I believe in LIMITED welfare and was on it for a short time, about 1 year until I got back on my feet.

Welfare is supposed to be a stop gap measure not a way of life.

Speaking of history, historically when there were less government financed programs more was given to the less fortunate through churches and local programs. Everything doesn't have to be legislated to be done.

It seems that a lot of Democats don't have the same open minds that Republicans do. A lot of Dems seem to judge everyone that is not a dem harshly. I give to charity and to social programs. I donate my time and my talents to less fortunate then me. I have a part time job and not a lot of money. I make about 17,000 to 18,000 per year, yet I give and give and give. Republicans actually give more to charity and help people all over the world statistically if you want to talk about research and studying.

Don't be bigoted or closed minded, take every person as a person even republicans because when you judge like that you are being prejudice and that is not right for anyone.
Reply:I have wondered about that myself. Guess they blot out all but one issue they are fanatic about like abortion. Good saying is: conservatives don't want you to think like they do - they want you to do like they think.
Reply:I guess you are assuming that all minorities really like social programs. You must also be assuming that social programs are successful. On top of that, you must be assuming that the only reason Republicans vote against these social programs out of hate for minorities and the working class people. Boy, you have a narrow mind.

First, not all minority members thing that big government social programs are good for them. Second, social programs that are run by the government are rarely, if ever, successful. Republicans feel that liberty is the cure for nearly every ailment of society. Thirdly, Republicans fought to end slavery, and fought for the rights of women long before democrats ever did.

Do a little reading, please. Study a little history. Republicans fought for women's suffrage. If you haven't heard of Jane Grey Swisshelm, please look her up. And shame on you for not knowing her name.

Quite simply, big government limits the freedom of her people. There are many ways to take freedoms away from people -- taxation is one of them. When you take away a persons money, you are taking away a part of their freedom.

Social programs consistently have one outcome -- indoctrinating people into reliance on the government. Republicans believe in empowering the people -- not indoctrinating them.

One last thing -- Republicans are no more, or less, driven by money. Republicans are just more confident in the abilities of all Americans to succeed. Republicans believe Americans can succeed. Democrats believe that Americans need Government to get them there.
Reply:i dont like social programs. the party that gets rid of them is the party that shares my values. vote libertarian.
Reply:The republican party is not the party of the rich as the democrats have tried to portray. We are the party of morality,free enterprise,and intelligence. Anybody with a fully functioning brain who wants to work and better themselves should identify with the republican party. Democrats think our government owes them. They want to be taken care of. They fall for the Leaders in the party who lie saying they feel compassionate and want to help the poor oppressed people. BULL! Californians are almost as screwed up as the good people of Massachusetts .Most poor people like being that way or are too lazy to change it. I started with less than nothing. My home burned down when i was 6 .My father was killed.My mother raised my brother and me. She turned to the bottle to cope. I worked a construction job and worked my way up. I now make a respectable 70,000 a year. If i can succeed anybody can.
Reply:I am glad you challenged the readers to do the research. I am a freelance writer for a major magazine co. on the East Coast. I was recently given the assignment to write about the Republican Party. I was amazed to learn how many social agencies and benefits that were proposed/started by Republicans and opposed by Democrats. The list is numerous and the edition of the article has yet been released. But just for starters, are you aware that the President responsible for freeing the slaves was a Republican? (Abraham Lincoln) That’s just one of many, many, contributions made by Republicans. I would hate to assume that your research is one sided?

My answer is not intended to engage anyone in political debate on the issue that you present. Nor is it intended to support any particular party.
Reply:Contrary to what people think perhaps you need to read a little history. First the republican party is the party responsible for civil rights legislation in our laws. including the elimination of slavery. Not to mention the reason we dont support every govt program is the simple belief that people can take care of thelselves. It never ceases to amze me how they do when they have to. Democrats are only interested in creating more dependence and spending more money that they didnt earn and isnt theirs
Reply:Amen to the Republican posters!
Reply:I am a Republican and I would not ever hesitate to vote for a black person, a gay person. I live on a retired set income and live from pay to pay. The only thing that would strongly oppose is pro-abortion where a child that COULD become a beloved child in a home where children are welcomed and loved.

I vote for the person, on his/her voting record and I disregard party if the candidate if I believe he/she is best for the U.S. and whose motive is not self-gratification.

I study a lot and I keep track of how representives vote to determine how they really feel and what the direction they want to set for the country.
Reply:I saw a bumper sticker the other harder. Millions on welfare are counting on you every day.

Granted there are people who truly cannot work due to severe disabilities, and I don't mind that our tax dollars go to support them. However, there are able-bodied people who take advantage of the system. They do not work, and contribute to high crime rates, because they are bored and want something to do.

There are also people with disabilities who can be rehabilitated. I don't mind that my tax dollars go to these programs. I know of several people who were diagnosed with developmental disabilities when very young. Tax dollars went to early intervention programs, which are very aggressive treatment programs. These people are now out of the system. They are holding down decent jobs now, instead of being in institutions and draining the system.

Federal financial aid programs help college students who are in need and get good grades. You don't necessarily have to be rich to get a good education--just be willing to work hard.

I do not vote for people based on political parties. I vote for a person, because he/she best represents my ideas.
Reply:You should "practice what you preach", turn off the TV and do some research without a bias.
Reply:If they make 100k + a year.

They get everyone else (working class) with "superior social moral policy" yuck.
Reply:yes but these are usually very uptight, angry people because embracing the republican agenda is a diss to ALL minoritys and humanists and is a vote for hateful, bigotted right wing capitalist racists.

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