Friday, May 21, 2010

Do we care so little about our country's future?

With all this imigration talk, and the mexican president mocking our country in public saying, " wherever there is a mexican is mexico". and american business owners in florida being thrown out of the stores they are leasing because they dont speak spanish, do we just not care about what our country is going to be like in 10 yrs., or what about 100? Didnt we fight tooth and nail to make this country what it is? why are we allowing a silent take over? If your not following me, try this: go down to mexico, not legally of course, and try to mooch off of their government, without paying any taxes. and see where you get. this is not against legal immigration, but shouldnt we be screening potential citizens of this great county to weed out all the bad guys?

Do we care so little about our country's future?
I care and you care it is our president who does not seem to care, since he is the one allowing all this to happen by not enforcing our immigration laws, securing our borders and now allowing Mexico's trucks to travel in the US
Reply:hate to say it but most americans are just to busy worrying about paying their bills, and really don`t give a crap about any futures besides their own, and every one pays sales tax even if they arn`t paying income taxes. do you pay income taxes when your in another country? i think not!. and what happened to the idea that we`re a big melting pot, those mexicans you hate so much are probley picking about 50% of the food you put on your table because the lazy white kids are to busy getting drunk and high and playing video games. and how about those people who don`t even pay them minimum wage, i`ve lost a few jobs that paid good money because they could pay a mexican under the table for less than half the price i was making, who`s at fault their not the mexican guy who replaced me, face it americans are screwing each other over not the mexicans. and how hard is it to hire a spanish speaking person to mind the store? get off the bigot box dude. they want you to focus on the mexican people and blame them, while they stick their hands in your pensions and wallets and rob you blind
Reply:When talking about the future remember THE DEBT that's the real threat. If America doesn't wake up soon your children and their children will be paying for our mistakes.
Reply:The professional politicians, and criminal element in and out of government don't care about the future of America. They use the blessings God bestowed upon America to enrich themselves with total disregard for the fatal consequences.

This is the result of turning our backs (nationally speaking) on God and doing things "our way". If voting changed things it would be illegal. Public service is a brief civic duty, not a career. Never re-elect anyone.
Reply:English IS the American National language. For a business owner to be shut sown in one of our States is horrindous,and unexceptable. I love this country with all my heart, as should any human living in their own country. America is a land of opportunity. Our ancestors came from a different land at one time or another to enrich their lives and their families. Unfortunately over the years, lawyers, the ACLU,, and other like groups have decided that all are deemed to live here, legal or not. Our system AND taxes pay for schooling, medical needs, and the suing rights, at the American tax payers dollar, to give those who aren't legally documented the right just because they are on American soil. They break our laws, and then rather then be sent 'home', they are let back out on the streets to break MORE laws. We need prisons, and a better policing system. The terrorists who planned to blow up innocent people in other countries are CAUGHT becasue other counties HAVE survalence cameras, but here in America, most seem to think it's an invasion of their rights. If they do nothing wrong, what's their problem? They save lives, and catch those who do or want to do harm to us. Darn right we need more and better survailence all across our great land, to protect our innocent children and citizens, to protect our cities, bridges, trains, airplanes and now our Ferry system. We HAVE to stay vigilant people. A call to 911 normanlly sorts things out. But wouldn't you feel bad if you saw something out of the ordinaty, didn't call, and something happened as bad or worse then 9/11?? If we don't step up now, in 10 or even 100 years, we won't BE America as we know it today. The American flag won't be flying over out US Capital, but one that is proof of evil and corruption. Don't allow the liberal left to use scare tactics on you, don't allow them to "sit and talk" to those who hate us because of our Freedoms, to have a sit down discussion over tea and bon bons. America is at war, and from 1979 on, it's only been the brave hearted GOP who has gone after those who do harm to us. My military son {12 years now, in SPECIAL FORCES} told me it's us against them. If we don't stand up for our beliefs now, we're woosies. You want America better in 10 years? Stay the course, fight global terrorism, {which IS of satan} and PRAY for our leaders to be directed from above. From my pespective, liberals are weak and flip flopping runners, who want abortions, sanctuary cities to HIDE illegals, and gay marraige. Exactly why God flooded the earth. No one listened. He won't flood the earth again, as promised in the RAINBOW, but the signs are upon us now to get right with God, because He is just about fed up for the last time with our evil living. I'm no Pastor, nor do I attend church, { as my body IS the church, as is yours}, but I read the word, interpet it, and DO know right from wrong. It's Gods way or the hell way. Worried about 10 years or 100? No, I have faith in kowing I watch around me, I report people, and most importantly, I know God does in fact, HAVE THE WHOLE WORLD IN HIS HANDS~~~Oh, and darn right, we did and ARE fightng tooth and nail for our freedoms..Now tell a liberal to shuddup, don't make Al Gore rich by buying PHONEY carbon off sets, as he fly's around in his private jet, to not use more then one sheet of TP, and don't support the Hollywood WACKOS. It just makes them richer to give to the libreal elite, who have done NOTHING to improve the safety of America, and NEVER WILL. Dem's have changed..leaning FAR LEFT, and suck up to Obam~O~Bamaramma and Hillarious. NEITHER have a record that qualify them for the presidents seat, other then LIES AND NEW TAXES! Doesn't our 52 percent we pay enough? Pure and simple truth folks. We NEED PERMINANT TAX CUTS!! No spin here...A dem gets in the White House, and we'll have more terror in America from Al Queda then you know..WHY? Because the libs will take our guns, our liberties and freedoms away. Yep, even take FROM you to give to those who have little, because they didn't work HARD for what they have...OR WANT. They know the Government will give it to them..all at OUR EXSPENCE. Is this what you want in NOT EVEN 10 years?? I want survailance, and I want it NOW.

God, please, BLESS AMERICA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

VOTE REPUBLICAN for the future of America. Shut up the Micheal Moores, George Soro's and the left winged libbies. It's more important NOW then it EVER HAS BEEN in our history !!

acne scar

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