Friday, May 21, 2010

Can over the counter cold meds cause a false positive for meth-Aphetamine?..not crystalmeth-AM-phetamine?

on a drug recent urine drug screen i tested positive for Meth-a-phetamine ..and i have NEVER EVER done crystal meth-AM-phetamine..and i was furious !! so i called the laboratory and grilled them over how this could happen..and the lady told me that Meth-A-phetamine is not "crystal-meth-AM-phetamine" and that many over the counter cold meds will make a person test positive for this CLASS of this true?...i have a $4,000 emergency room bill that my insurance co is trying to denying because they wont cover any claim involving criminal im fighting this tooth and nail..Has anyone had a similar experience ? i was tested for 9 drugs Meth-A-phetamine,opiates,cocaine,THC,phe... and AMphetamine and was negative on all except the methaphetamine...and the lady told me not to worry because it wasnt illegal..but im still very upset..PS i was never charged with any crime

Can over the counter cold meds cause a false positive for meth-Aphetamine?..not crystalmeth-AM-phetamine?
What you tested positive for is a drug called psudoephedrine. It's one of the many household items that is used to manufacture illegal methamphetimines and also commonly used in OTC medications for colds.
Reply:I'm not sure but they can make meth out of over the counter medicine so it might be possible anything is you know but sinus meds have chemicals that might cause 1 the make you speedy right that is what meth is they use to prescribe it back in the 60's then they found out how addictive it really was now they don't prescribe it any more unless it's in add meds

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