Monday, May 17, 2010

Are most Americans really anti-gay?

A few minutes ago, someone posted a question about anti-gay speech, and someone then told him that most of the country was anti-gay and that he should "deal with it". However, I really wonder if MOST of the US is really anti-gay. Don't get me wrong. I know that homophobia is alive and well and there are lots of people out there fighting tooth and nail against the legalization of gay marriage. However, I can't help but think that American society in general has become a lot more accepting of homosexuality in the past 10 or 20 years, and it's now not uncommon to see same-sex couples together in public with their children. Even if there are a lot of people who are against the legalization of gay marriage, is it really accurate to say that most of the US is vehemently anti-gay?

Are most Americans really anti-gay?
I don't think most Americans are anti or pro gay... I think most Americans take the stance of "leave me alone and I'll leave you alone".
Reply:We are very much against Happiness.
Reply:You know, even my parents aren't anti-gay. So, I'd say I don't know anyone who's anti-gay.
Reply:Only a few zealots.
Reply:I don't believe that many Americans are actually anti-gay. I believe that they are more like I don't even need to know what your sexual preference is, so don't burden me with it. I believe that the majority would just like it to be a non issue altogether.
Reply:In my experience, the people I know who are anti-gay are homophobic and most homophobics I know are insecure about their own sexuality.
Reply:No, most of the country is not so bigoted as the vocal minority would have you believe.
Reply:I don't think we are more accepting of gays, I think we all feel there are more important issues. Most Americans don't care who their neighbors have sex with when there is a war, high energy prices, and a poor economy. That was part of the reason why the gay amendment never passed. Sure there are people who want to stop gays at all costs, but the majority of us just think there are better issues.
Reply:No, most Americans support freedom. The ones that scream "anti-gay!" the loudest are the closeted homosexual conservative males.
Reply:Intolerance is common among people with low iq's. Currently it is believed that the average american has an IQ around 100 which compared to the rest of the western world is slightly low, but not horrible. I would say based on that, the majority of americans are not anti-gay, although they are not exactly pro-gay either.
Reply:Unfortunately, you will probably not get an accurate pulse of American feelings on this matter here. What I've noticed on these hot-button issues is that only the truly passionate respond. This will inevitably give you a dozen christian evangelical freaks spouting their twisted brand of morality. Meanwhile, all those tolerant, loving people who don't mind gay marriage don't feel that strongly about it, so they won't answer. It will seem that more people are against it than really are.

That being said, you will not recieve one legitimate reason why we should not legalize gay marriage in this country.

most of the population is straight, and gay issues are non-issues to most straight people.

It is only the homphobes(that are really closeted gays) and gays who worry about such issues.
Reply:I am tired of it being shoved down my throat and force fed to me on TV and movies. It is almost impossible to watch Tv or go to the movies without seeing a gay couple (usually kissing or in bed). I am sick of seeing it.
Reply:Outwardly, not so much anymore, but I do believe that many people harbor a variety of internal prejudices which they would never express publicly.
Reply:I cant speak for "most of Americans" I think that is is split. I am not here to judge anyone and I dont think anyone should, but I do not believe in same sex marriage. I believe that God mad mad and women first for a reason so why go against it. And they say that people who are gay cant help who they fall in love with -then again no one can really help who they fall in love with. But, I think that people shouldnt speak for other peope, and that everyone should just read the bible, then come up with their own beliefs on whats right and whats wrong. I love everyone no matter race, or sex.
Reply:I think the trend is going towards acceptance, and I can't say I've met an anti-gay person in my life. I personally don't like or agree with what they do, but frankly it doesn't affect me and it's none of my business.

Chris S: Their are good reasons for not legalizing gay marriage. Marriage is a religious sacrament, the state has no right to re-define it. I have no problem if they just use another term and it's considered a marriage for all intents and purposes in the eyes of the state.
Reply:I think most people are only concern with their own sexuality.

Personally, I think all those people who claim sexually is a choice have latent homosexual tendencies, since they must have faced that choice in their own lives.
Reply:No, but most american's are pro-life production. Think about it.......
Reply:My analogy would be 17th Century people who no longer BURN people for witchcraft, but still believe that witches exist and are in league with Satan.

Male homosexuals are still the most despised group in the USA, no matter how many "attractive and gets along well with hets" gay men the media may trot out. Even people who don't think of themselves as "anti-homosexual" still have this "as long as they act het in public" mindset. Kind of like the "I don't have any problem with Black people as long as I don't have to associate with them" attitude many people still have.

(Arguably, "unusual" sexual practices like BDSM are now even more "taboo" than homosexuality. Certainly those who engage in such practices have less legal protection than GLBT people.)
Reply:Well, statistically, MOST of America, or greater than 50%, is Christian. Chistian doctrine (ALL sects) forbid gay relationships as the Bible clearly forbids. So I would think it is safe to say that most of America is anti-gay. That doesn't mean they actively protest or speak out against it, but as for their personal beliefs, it is a fundamental one.

I personally know and associate with a few gay women. I don't speak to them about their choices, I invite them to Church.
Reply:I don't think most americans are anti-gay. The ones who are have either been brainwashed to believe their god hates gays or those that are in doubt and afraid of their own sexuality.
Reply:I believe that IF you don't "make it an issue", it's not an issue.

By THAT, I mean, if you keep your "preference" to yourself, nobody will kick your @$$, but if you "advertise", you're asking for someone to "express" their dis-approval.

Freedom of expression IS a two-way street. IF you feel the "need" to publicly "express" yourself as "gay", be respectful of someone else's right to "express" their dis-approval. It IS a "choice", right? Please choose wisely.
Reply:Only homophobes would make such a statement.

Most people don't give a darn who another choses to love - or marry. It's only the religious nutcases and the undereducated who make the noise.

A person's sexuality and choice of mate has no effect on anyone, anywhere. If gays marry, it doesn't effect anyones family, anyones community, anyones beliefs.

Most Americans are live and let live.
Reply:I would have to say no...

The most vocal of course are those that oppose it, or are intimidated by what they don't understand. That's what you are used to hearing and seeing. Though there are a large number that do not agree with gay marriages, most are "live and let live", as far as being homosexual in general. "To each their own" would be another cliche. that would apply.

I am a republican, married, heterosexual, and I do not agree with gay marriages, though I fully support civil unions. Homosexuals do not have their orientation as a choice (maybe some, but not most), so why stigmatize them. They are still contributing members of society, and should be treated as such.
Reply:I don't think most Americans care very much.
Reply:Not I. Religious conservatives tend to vilify homosexuals. I wouldn't say that most Americans are anti-gay.
Reply:Two words say iy best, No Brains!
Reply:Yes and good thing we are!
Reply:I am not anti-gay. What I am is a person who is sick and tired of people trying to force me to accept as moral something that I consider immoral. If society is forced to accept the gay lifestyle as normal, then Pedophilia and Bestiality will be next.


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