Friday, May 21, 2010

Do we care so little about our country's future?

With all this imigration talk, and the mexican president mocking our country in public saying, " wherever there is a mexican is mexico". and american business owners in florida being thrown out of the stores they are leasing because they dont speak spanish, do we just not care about what our country is going to be like in 10 yrs., or what about 100? Didnt we fight tooth and nail to make this country what it is? why are we allowing a silent take over? If your not following me, try this: go down to mexico, not legally of course, and try to mooch off of their government, without paying any taxes. and see where you get. this is not against legal immigration, but shouldnt we be screening potential citizens of this great county to weed out all the bad guys?

Do we care so little about our country's future?
I care and you care it is our president who does not seem to care, since he is the one allowing all this to happen by not enforcing our immigration laws, securing our borders and now allowing Mexico's trucks to travel in the US
Reply:hate to say it but most americans are just to busy worrying about paying their bills, and really don`t give a crap about any futures besides their own, and every one pays sales tax even if they arn`t paying income taxes. do you pay income taxes when your in another country? i think not!. and what happened to the idea that we`re a big melting pot, those mexicans you hate so much are probley picking about 50% of the food you put on your table because the lazy white kids are to busy getting drunk and high and playing video games. and how about those people who don`t even pay them minimum wage, i`ve lost a few jobs that paid good money because they could pay a mexican under the table for less than half the price i was making, who`s at fault their not the mexican guy who replaced me, face it americans are screwing each other over not the mexicans. and how hard is it to hire a spanish speaking person to mind the store? get off the bigot box dude. they want you to focus on the mexican people and blame them, while they stick their hands in your pensions and wallets and rob you blind
Reply:When talking about the future remember THE DEBT that's the real threat. If America doesn't wake up soon your children and their children will be paying for our mistakes.
Reply:The professional politicians, and criminal element in and out of government don't care about the future of America. They use the blessings God bestowed upon America to enrich themselves with total disregard for the fatal consequences.

This is the result of turning our backs (nationally speaking) on God and doing things "our way". If voting changed things it would be illegal. Public service is a brief civic duty, not a career. Never re-elect anyone.
Reply:English IS the American National language. For a business owner to be shut sown in one of our States is horrindous,and unexceptable. I love this country with all my heart, as should any human living in their own country. America is a land of opportunity. Our ancestors came from a different land at one time or another to enrich their lives and their families. Unfortunately over the years, lawyers, the ACLU,, and other like groups have decided that all are deemed to live here, legal or not. Our system AND taxes pay for schooling, medical needs, and the suing rights, at the American tax payers dollar, to give those who aren't legally documented the right just because they are on American soil. They break our laws, and then rather then be sent 'home', they are let back out on the streets to break MORE laws. We need prisons, and a better policing system. The terrorists who planned to blow up innocent people in other countries are CAUGHT becasue other counties HAVE survalence cameras, but here in America, most seem to think it's an invasion of their rights. If they do nothing wrong, what's their problem? They save lives, and catch those who do or want to do harm to us. Darn right we need more and better survailence all across our great land, to protect our innocent children and citizens, to protect our cities, bridges, trains, airplanes and now our Ferry system. We HAVE to stay vigilant people. A call to 911 normanlly sorts things out. But wouldn't you feel bad if you saw something out of the ordinaty, didn't call, and something happened as bad or worse then 9/11?? If we don't step up now, in 10 or even 100 years, we won't BE America as we know it today. The American flag won't be flying over out US Capital, but one that is proof of evil and corruption. Don't allow the liberal left to use scare tactics on you, don't allow them to "sit and talk" to those who hate us because of our Freedoms, to have a sit down discussion over tea and bon bons. America is at war, and from 1979 on, it's only been the brave hearted GOP who has gone after those who do harm to us. My military son {12 years now, in SPECIAL FORCES} told me it's us against them. If we don't stand up for our beliefs now, we're woosies. You want America better in 10 years? Stay the course, fight global terrorism, {which IS of satan} and PRAY for our leaders to be directed from above. From my pespective, liberals are weak and flip flopping runners, who want abortions, sanctuary cities to HIDE illegals, and gay marraige. Exactly why God flooded the earth. No one listened. He won't flood the earth again, as promised in the RAINBOW, but the signs are upon us now to get right with God, because He is just about fed up for the last time with our evil living. I'm no Pastor, nor do I attend church, { as my body IS the church, as is yours}, but I read the word, interpet it, and DO know right from wrong. It's Gods way or the hell way. Worried about 10 years or 100? No, I have faith in kowing I watch around me, I report people, and most importantly, I know God does in fact, HAVE THE WHOLE WORLD IN HIS HANDS~~~Oh, and darn right, we did and ARE fightng tooth and nail for our freedoms..Now tell a liberal to shuddup, don't make Al Gore rich by buying PHONEY carbon off sets, as he fly's around in his private jet, to not use more then one sheet of TP, and don't support the Hollywood WACKOS. It just makes them richer to give to the libreal elite, who have done NOTHING to improve the safety of America, and NEVER WILL. Dem's have changed..leaning FAR LEFT, and suck up to Obam~O~Bamaramma and Hillarious. NEITHER have a record that qualify them for the presidents seat, other then LIES AND NEW TAXES! Doesn't our 52 percent we pay enough? Pure and simple truth folks. We NEED PERMINANT TAX CUTS!! No spin here...A dem gets in the White House, and we'll have more terror in America from Al Queda then you know..WHY? Because the libs will take our guns, our liberties and freedoms away. Yep, even take FROM you to give to those who have little, because they didn't work HARD for what they have...OR WANT. They know the Government will give it to them..all at OUR EXSPENCE. Is this what you want in NOT EVEN 10 years?? I want survailance, and I want it NOW.

God, please, BLESS AMERICA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

VOTE REPUBLICAN for the future of America. Shut up the Micheal Moores, George Soro's and the left winged libbies. It's more important NOW then it EVER HAS BEEN in our history !!

acne scar

Can any of the Democrats stop Hilary Clinton from getting the party's nomination?

I'm not saying that its a cake walk to the White House. The GOP will rally around whoever they choose and fight tooth and nail.

But it really seems like there is nothing can stop Hilary Clinton from becoming the Democratic party's nominee. Or is there?

Is there any chance that she will lose? And if she does, will she possibly be someone elses VP nominee?

Can any of the Democrats stop Hilary Clinton from getting the party's nomination?
Believe it or not, we still have a long way to go to election day. A lot can happen between now and then to make or break a candidate. Personally, I'm leaning toward Hillary, but I'm not decided yet and it will probably be a long time before I do decide.
Reply:Seriously, not even DEMOCRATS want Clinton.

And thats really sad on her part.
Reply:Only the smart dems will stop her. As an avid Conservative, I could almost deal w/ her as VP but not Hail to the Chief!
Reply:If she does, she will be owned by any republican party candidate.

What happend to it?

I was trying to get my neice upstairs because she has to go to bed. and she was fighting me tooth and nail. And i dont know what happend. but when i came down stairs i noticed that this spot by my pinkie toe hurts when i touch it and its red. what could of happend to it?

What happend to it?
Could be that you bumped it while distracted by your niece. Keep an eye on it. If it is displaced or swollen in the AM you may want to have it examined to see if it is broken. Really, they won't do much for a broken pinky toe other than tape it to the toe next to it. Put ice on it. Then, you could go ahead and tape it to the toe neck to it to imobilize it if that makes it feel better.
Reply:maybe it's a bug bite, or you stubbed it, or your niece did it lol
Reply:oh my. you obviously stubbed your toe and didn't notice because you were so busy with your niece.

Word puns #2.....?

* The professor discovered that her theory of earthquakes was on shaky ground.

* The dead batteries were given out free of charge.

* If you take a laptop computer for a run you could jog your memory.

* A dentist and a manicurist fought tooth and nail.

* What's the definition of a will? (It's a dead giveaway)

* A bicycle can't stand alone; it is two tired.

* Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana.

* A backward poet writes inverse.

* In a democracy it's your vote that counts; In feudalism, it's your

count that votes.

* A chicken crossing the road: poultry in motion.

* If you don't pay your exorcist, you can get repossessed.

* With her marriage she got a new name and a dress.

* Show me a piano falling down a mine shaft And I'll show you A-flat miner.

* When a clock is hungry, it goes back four seconds.

* The guy who fell onto an upholstery machine Was fully recovered.

Word puns #2.....?
♥ it lol
Reply:Not bad!

Do Christians enjoy hating themselves?

The very basic belief in Christianity is that humans are born sinful and therefore by default assigned to Hell because the first man and woman (Adam %26amp; Eve) broke the single rule god gave them thus introducing sin into the world.

In modern times most resonable people acknowledge the story of Adam and Eve as what it really is, a myth. Scientifically we know it's not true that people were created as they exist today 6,000 years ago. We instead evolved from other species millions of years ago.

Many Christians, despite the evidence for the reality of our situation, still cling to this myth as a truth and will fight tooth and nail anyone who disagrees with them on this point. Since this story tells us that we are evil dispicable creatures by default because of the actions of our first anscestors, and we can show quite clearly that this story is false, wouldn't that be good news? It means we aren't automatically evil. That's a good thing, why fight it?

Do Christians enjoy hating themselves?
Yes, but they prefer to hate others.
Reply:Do you enjoy hating Christians? You wrote to me in an email that religion is the cause of so much hatred. I countered that it's INTOLERANCE that's to blame. Your question doesn't seem very tolerant to me ....... Report It

Reply:With the first answer.
Reply:Have you ever tried flogging yourself? Me neither.

I guess some people think it feels good.

Either that or they just wouldn't know what to do otherwise.
Reply:They don't....why is it that all of you so called "Atheists" spend such an inordinate ammount of time in the religion and spirituality categories trying to convince yourselves that you are right and we are wrong what the H do YOU care WHAT others believe?
Reply:can i ask you a question and be sure to answer why are you so agiants christains
Reply:no,but they love forgive them
Reply:"We aren't automatically evil"? Wake up!! Which world are YOU living in?
Reply:Man broke the rules right from the start and still does. Look around, do you see perfect people. No we are much more rational than you because we see what you refuse to admit. That you are not perfect, how arrogant.Go to work and break rules see how long you work there.
Reply:Oy, here we go again.

You ask "why fight it?" Because evolution isn't the truth; in fact, it's still labled as a "theory," even by the scientific community.

Our beliefs are based on faith. If you don't have faith, why not leave those of us alone who do?

Reply:I don't totally disagree with you, but what if there is a super natural being, a God, you will surely go to hell as will I. I've had a problem with these stories for years but I don't try to sway others or have them sway me. Just hope Hell isn't a real place.
Reply:What is so wrong with people who cling to faith in order for them to have love, joy and peace? Science is cynical when it comes to love.. Does science fear love? We are primitive minded no matter how much we evolved from other species. Why fight faith of others...
Reply:blah blah blah.... same 'ol same 'ol

FREE 250,000!!! if you can give definitive proof of evolution.....

I always hear people say Scientifically, but no one EVER elaborates... so it turns into your thoughts verses mine.
Reply:I love the fact that no human being has ever seen firsthand the influx of new genetic information into any living organism (something essential to Evolution), and yet people like the poster of this question continue to refer to Evolutionists as more "resonable" than Christians.

It is indeed sad what passes for reason these days.

So do Christians enjoy hating themselves? Of course not, and to think so is sheer lunacy. One loves himself despite his own flaws; that is part of having a "self." And yet, if he is clear-sighted about himself, he will not only see his inherent evil, but will wish he could get rid of it. If he is arrogant, however, he will assume that he isn't inherently evil and will thus wish everyone else would stop being so much more inherently evil than he is. If only they'd just be "resonable," he says...
Reply:Actually, it is "A" very basic belief in Christianity that we are sinful creatures. Not "THE". But here is what you COULD call "THE" basic belief of Christianity: Jesus Christ came to save us. Yes, we are sinners, and are destined towards hell. But only by our choice. We don't have to be. Christ Jesus, the Son of God, provides a way for us to be saved from the punishment of our sins. And hate myself? I am certainly prone to sin, but the old has passed away, and all has become new. I can still sin, but no longer am I subject to it. Also, as another answerer pointed out, evolution is a THEORY. Not truth. Evolution is simply man's way trying to explain away God through fallible theories. Also, perhaps you don't realize that it take more faith --in the wrong thing-- to believe in evolution and scientist's speculation than to believe what God, who created all things and, obviously, WAS there at the beginning, said in His Word. God bless!
Reply:Christians do not hate themselves. If you would survey them, you would find, like most people, that most feel that they are good and worthy of love. However, I agree that Paul and Augustine seemed to be conflicted.

Honestly and factually, a stupid question based on your own personal prejudices!

flip flop style

If America is 'the land of the free' why?

does this nation have such a very noted history of denying rights to certain minority groups (blacks, native Americans, Latinos, Asians, women, no particular order) and eventual backtracking on previous generations assertions (with the exception of gays at this moment) that such groups either intrinsically had no rights in this country to begin with because of Constitutional interpretation or religious doctrine, when the VERY BASIC foundation of America was of freedom of religious presecution and to be able to live life to the fullest so long as it did NOT intentionally and/or maliciously interfere with such implied rights of others? How is America 'the land of the free' when every minority in this country has had to FIGHT tooth and nail to not be persecuted? Why is this different today with the Mexicans and gays? Save your tired, Michigan militia ignorant answers, I am asking people who TRULY have a non-ignorant answer to this.

If America is 'the land of the free' why?
because the usa is too big to be run as one single country. look at it you have 50 country sized areas all run by the same 1 person. im not trying to p*** people off just being honest. i think that the people would be happier if each state was turned into sepearte countries and run by their own presidents. this way more people would be happy and the minorities would have more of a say as they % of each would be closer to equal.

what the hell is the guy above me talking about he posted his answer 2 hours before me so how can he aim any thing at me

what an idiot
Reply:No. It's the land of "don't step out of line."
Reply:because in this country MAJORITY RULES.nowadays minorities want to make all the rules and if you dont like it you are a racist.
Reply:I just read an article about how the government is looking into everyones financial statements in the name of "counter-terrorism."

I just thank god I live in China. At least here with 1.2 billion people, no one cares what everyone else is up to.
Reply:The Persecution of the Mormons: During the 19th century, the newly formed Mormon religion encountered significant persecution.
Reply:Wonderful Question. I have been asking these questions for a while now, but what you get are a people who are generally too ashamed or too stupid, especially the so called 'African American' to face the facts of the matter.
Reply:Actually it's the majority of the land owners. That's what the were talking about in the Constitution. This country started with slave ownership of all races. The fact that all the major land owners where white made seem racist but really it's economically racist.
Reply:excuse me but I think that America is a country with no history and culture. Europe life is famous for thousands of years. In America everithing is sinthethic, no quality of life - just working in McDonalds
Reply:The majority doesn't rule my friend(aimed at the person below)! This isn't a democracy!!! If it were Gore would be president right now because Bush sure lost the popular vote in that election!

It is a little different, but how our Constitution get's interpreted is by a buncg of WASPS who were appointed for a reason. Seven out of 9 on the Supreme Court were appointed by Republicans, 4 by the Bush's!

We have a president who thinks he is above the law and the Constitution, who just told Congress that he didn't care what the Patriot Act said!! He now has to go before the House Judiciary committee!!

Abyone who reads the Constitution knows that it is color and Gender blind, but each had to fight for a Constitutional Amendment!

Think you are free, loose your job or don't pay your house tax payments on the house you own and see what happens!. Truth is, you don't own a damn thing!

The land of opportunity is nothing more than a nightmare for most in this country!
Reply:And what nation does not have issues with altruistic treatment of ALL its citizens? The nice thing about the US Constitution (and a few others in the world that are similar) is that it provides a framework in which to "try" to achieve freedoms for all. Still, freedom for one person is not feedom for another - so laws exist that try in effect to manage the freedoms so the greatest number benefit from some level of security or "pursuit of happiness". Anytime you have two or more people in involved, there will be conflicts. American politics is particulary noisy and messy - but it is generally in the open for full debate in the media as well as in the "house of the people" - the congress and the senate. As administrations go, it is seldom that more than 10% of the people are in full agreement with any given president. The remaining 41% required for a majority are enough in partial agreement tht 51% can move policy in their preferred direction. I see some complaints about Bush. This is nothing new. Presidents who make very hard decisions are often villified. Lincoln was also one of those who drove the national discussion to venomous debate (yes even very much so in the North among his fellow Republicans who wanted all men to be treated as free under the constitution). Jefferson was severely hated by Adams and they only regained their old friendship as they lay dying. Clinton was elected in 1992 with barely over 40% popular vote but that is how the system works and third parties (like Perot's) can create the circumstances that allow such anamolies. Yes, Ameirica is the land of the FREE. Every year, the goals of the constitution are tested and more often than not - giving greater freedoms to more people. Some people do confuse freedom for Americans with freedoms for people who are not Americans within our borders, but they need to understand that we are a nation with borders for reasons that are beneficial to all the CITIZENS.

For those of you afraid of illegal immigrants taking your jobs...?

What are you doing about companies sending jobs overseas?

It's kind of funny and sad at the same time... you're busy fighting tooth and nail over what... some jobs working the drive-thru and picking produce in the fields that hardly pay anything... while more high-paying hi-tech jobs are being sent overseas to places like India, China, and (ironically) Mexico. They're willing to work for less too.

Yes, illegal immigrants cost money for education, health care, and welfare, but you're also forgetting that many pay taxes for things like social security which they themselves will never be able to benefit from.

Meanwhile, workers overseas don't take those kind of benefits, but they also don't pay into them either.

Which is a bigger loss? Micky D's or IBM? You're fighting the wrong battle, if it's jobs you're worried about.

For those of you afraid of illegal immigrants taking your jobs...?
Welcome to the real world nothing is certian, and life too short too worry about outsourcing, and most jobs that dont get outsourced are service jobs that are needed in the local economy. Illegals supplement contractors lacking willing to bodies to do some contruction projects, and if Mexicans are heading home quicker than usual without deportation the American economy in for a rude awaking. The illegal know when a recession hits before the rest of the public because business like cut them first. China, and India will take more jobs and a lot them are gonna be higher paying, and higher education is not desgined for the local economy where 85% cant be outsourced necessary. College system needs a shakedown, and needs stop brain washing people in marxist instead teach them how to think critically.
Reply:Who's to say we can't fight both battles. The bottom line is criminals who sneak into our country shouldn't be rewarded and I don't want someone whose first action in my country is illegal to become a fellow American.
Reply:whats funny and sad is the company's that are moving is only moving because of the cheap wages they will pay. now who's laughing at who? hahahahahahahaha. remember it's all about MONEY!!!!!!
Reply:Very good point, We need to be fighting both. We also may be to the point where we must also start looking at making our wages and benefits more realistic in order to compete in the world. Is our greed taking us out of the competition? Can we survive if we continue to loose jobs?
Reply:Illegal immigrants do not pay social security. They're paid in cash under the table. You need a social security number to pay into the system. I am fighting the battle overseas as I'm sick of calling "American" companies and getting someone in India whom I can hardly understand. I demanded to speak to a supervisor in the U.S. to complain and got someone in Canada.
Reply:I don't have a answer to your question but it seems to me that you have some dislike of the USA. Here is a suggestion. If you dislike the USA and are not here, then don't come. If you dislike the USA and are here illegally, go home and make your country a better place. If you dislike the USA and are a citizen, then quit complaining and help make the USA a better place. You are free to leave the country at any time if you don't like it.

"What a country, AMERICA!!!!"

Why is my response not intelligent? Because you don't agree with it. LOL

Also, the amount of taxes paid by illegal invaders pales in comparision to the amount they consume just in medical care and eduction alone.
Reply:First off the question shows a lack of understanding about some basic economic principles. You are right about them taking low end jobs mostly,however if you throw in enough people willing to accept lower wages,a lower standard of living etc. you can depress wages across the board. That is evidenced in the construction trades especially,during the time when construction is on a historic surge,when skilled workers are in demand and should be at a premium the fact is that wages are stagnant. But just go ahead and believe what you will,even if it's not even loosely based in reality.

Reply:Your attempt to divert our attention is transparent and ineffective. I'll decide which battles I fight, thank you very much. And the battle right now is with the Mexican invaders.

It's time those people learned you don't get help by trashing the people who could help you.

Reply:and thos ssn numbers there using belong to other people and it puts there live in turmoil.....are you saying thats ok ? there paying taxes by stealing an idenity what the fu$k are you thinking.
Reply:I agree with you totally.But I have a personal vote in all this illegal and non illegal crap floating around recently.My husband came here from Mexico 9yrs ago on a 3mo. visa.He never went back.Yeah,it was wrong but not the worst crime he could've commited.Now we are going through the immigration process and are almost done.But for years he has paid his taxes(more than $100.00 a week).True he has a ssecurity card and does recieve his refund at the end of the year.But many do not.They (illegals) work for the whole year paying into something they never can use.And for those unintelligent people who assume all illegals work "under the table",they are wrong.I would say that the majority now do work in places of business that take out taxes,real ss# or not.What most ppl don't get is that the government recieve their money off of any ss#.And actually they get more b/c these ppl can't claim anything they put in.

And you are right.Not many americans even want to work at mcdonalds or in migrant camps.Furthermore we americans don't event like to get dirty if we don't have to.So.if all the illegals were sent back to their prospective countries,most americans wouldn't even want the jobs they left behind.

My husband got lucky and immigration gave him his ss# when he came here.He's always worked with his own.But until he gets officially legal,he would never get to claim his social security or disability should he need it.I'm sure any american would want their benefits that they've paid into for years and would complain strongly if they couldn't receive them.But most illegals accept this and keep working.So thats less money the government has to dish out.
Reply:That's what I am talking about. Smart vision.
Reply:Thank you...very well stated. I am for controlled immigration into this country. In order to do that it starts with our borders.

Then, by allowing temporary workers in on a temporary basis, no renewals. And thirdly, If a temporary worker decides they would like to become an American citizen, then they would have to undergo a process leading to that citizenship, not given automatic. Meanwhile our country needs to wake-up and smell the constant job loss due to the exporting of America.
Reply:i just simple don't get it why Mexicans are deciding what America need's?

we have a government and it is there job to decide what America need's

please Mexicans stop deciding for us
Reply:Most people arent concerned about losing jobs to illegals, some are concerned about illegals bringing wages down..but most of us just dont want to pay for the compulsive breeders medical bills..or the special ed ESL programs for their kids

They also make $ here only to send it to mehico...we lose $ right there

What part of *illegal* do u not understand??
Reply:Two different issue , two different fights. It's the illegal part that bugs most of us. If someone want to live here and work here, why not do it legally ? As far as the jobs going to other countries, there are still many high paying jobs in America. It is a new concept these days we have to earn the business. Companies go overseas because other Governments pay them to come since these Socialistic Governments at least partially own the business so less chance of loss for the business.
Reply:I do not think that most people in the U.S. think that illegals are taking their jobs, but they are keepings wages down and keeping U.S. citizens that work blue collar jobs in poverty. Not to mention the constant drain on tax payers. You seem to think that because someone is using a SS# that they paid for that it is OK. They are getting screwed by not receiving benefits that others would be entitled to. Wake up.......Benefits are for citizens and legal immigrants. Your husband is not entitled to anything just because he made his way to the U.S. What about the people that really OWN the SS# your husband is STEALING. This is causing a great problem for them, it is identity theft. You are probably causing some other person to have to pay more taxes because the income you have made is added to theirs which would put them in a higher tax bracket. Not to mention whatever else your doing with their SS#, screwing up their credit etc. Actually when they find an illegal using someone else's SS# they should arrest them, charge them with identity theft therefore giving them a criminal record and then deport them from the US along with their wife and children. If the children are born to illegal immigrants they should not be given citizenship and should be deported along with their parents. With the criminal record they should not be allowed back into the country or even considered for amnesty or citizenship.

My husband who is a legal Latino immigrant says they should tattoo the word DEPORTED or NO US for those that can't speak English right on their foreheads so if they sneak back in no one will hire them.
Reply:You're apparently making the assumption that the jobs being sent overseas are paying the same money as they would in the U.S. - they're not. That's the point of sending them out of the country in the first place.

The only illegal immigrants that I can think of that would be paying Social Security are the ones with stolen identities. And your allusion that these illegals are paying in more than they're costing us is against common knowledge. Don't forget that the workers doing jobs for American companies overseas are paying whatever taxes their respective countries make them pay. It has nothing to do with paying taxes to America. You need to study up on your Macro Economics because nearly everything you're saying goes against them.

Please Read this, and tell me what you think??

Its been here before, but I didn't get enough criticism for it.

Be HONEST.. compliments are really not any help Please note that this is not the beginning, but the second small chunk. Search for my other questions if you want to read the beginning. It's not crucial.

Read part of a story, and tell me what you think.?

Be HONEST.. compliments are really not any help Please note that this is not the beginning, but the second small chunk. Search for my other questions if you want to read the beginning. It's not crucial.

Rose hung up without properly saying goodbye. It was something the sisters had dispensed with once they moved away from the house, Virginia to Cornell and Beth to… well, away. Away meant as far from stuffy old Boston as she could get. A stint abroad, several waitressing jobs which paid abysmally, a (very) brief stay in a commune, and one quite serious boyfriend with whom she had lived in an apartment which had seemed romantically Spartan at first and turned out to be just plain old small and dirty. And now, she lived in California. That was what her parents told their friends when anyone asked what Rose did for a living. “She lives in California now,” her parents would say, and everyone would exchange knowing looks. Rose didn’t care in the least, which was what distinguished her from Virginia and their two brothers. Rose was in fact happier than she’d ever been, working at a Waldorf day-care center and even occasionally seeling a painting or two. She was paying the bills with even a little to spare for luxuries like shampoo and fresh fruit.

Rose looked at the clock the floor beside her bed, did some quick math and decided to call her brother Jim in New York. His full name was James Joyce Llewellyn, and their second brother’s name was Thomas Jefferson Llewellyn. The three oldest were all named after various people the Llewellyn’s admired, and then there was Rose, the baby. Just plain old Rose. The child of her parents’ middle age and diminished brain cells. Virginia, the oldest, had always introduced herself first, and someone, thinking themselves clever, would invariably turn to Rose and say, “and I suppose you’re Georgia,” Rose usually said, no, she was New Jersey. Sometimes she was Delaware. It depended on the day.

She got up and put on a pot of coffee, as there was little chance she was going back to sleep. Virginia had awakened her, but also given her much too much to think about to sleep. She punched in Jim’s number and waited as a phone two and half thousand miles away rang.

Jim answered, groggy from sleep.

“What are you doing home?” demanded Rose as soon as he picked up, again skipping niceties.

“What?” Jim said foggily.

“I said what are you doing home? Don’t you have classes? It’s a Wednesday.”

“Thanks for the update.”

“You didn’t answer my question. You sound like ****. You sound hungover.”

“I do not. I mean I am not. I mean I am, but I don’t sound it. Whatever. It’s what, four-thirty out there? Who died?”

“Nobody, but I’ve got something to spill.”

“Well, okay. Dish.”

“Dad’s got a new girlfriend, a young one, young enough to be our sister- that’s verbatim from Ginny- and he’s bringing her to the wedding.”

“Well, good for him, the old dog. Why is this waking-someone-out-of-a-sound-... news?”

“You just don’t get it, do you?”

“Get what?”

“He’s bringing her to the wedding. To meet all of us, and mom, and all our relatives, and all of Ginny and David’s friends. He’s bringing her to the wedding, Jim.”

“Yeah. And?”

“God, you are such a man. Don’t you have any loyalty for Mom?”

“Well, I guess, but it’s not like they’re getting back together. Irreconcilable differences.”

“Yeah, but she’s like nineteen,”

“You’re exaggerating. You think that the wedding is going to be an opportunity for you to pull some kind of a Parent Trap maneuver, but trust me, it’s not. They can’t stand each other. End of story.”

“I wouldn’t care if…” Rose trailed off.

“You’d care no matter what. I’m not saying I don’t care too, but he’s fifty-seven years old. We can’t tell him what to do.”

“Why do you have to be so goddamn rational? Why can’t you just be on my side, on mom’s side?”

“I’m not on anybody’s side, I just-“

Rose dropped the phone back onto the cradle with a clatter of plastic and metal.

Jim tossed the portable phone across the bedspread and scowled fiercely at the sunlight streaming through his uncurtained windows. Stacks of books glowered at him disapprovingly from the dresser. He pushed a hand through his dark hair and pulled his Fordham sweatshirt on over his head, and shoved his glasses up over his nose. He looked at his watch, and decided there was no way he was making it to Contract Law at nine-thirty. Instead he dialed his brother Tom’s number in Boston.

Tom was having the worst morning of all the Llewellyn siblings. He’d awoken to find the half of the bed which belonging to his girlfriend Claire cool and unrumpled. Alarmed, he’d run to the bathroom to find that her toothbrush was gone, and linen closet emptied of exactly half their towels. She’d taken the coffee, the peanut butter, two apples, a banana, the Saltines, and half the loaf of bread.. She’d been nothing if not democratic in the way she’d wrecked everything, thought Tom as he absorbed the state of the apartment which they’d shared until four-thirty six that morning. And so Tom was sitting dazedly at the kitchen table, staring at nothing in a particular, when the phone rang

“Guess what?” demanded Jim

Tom sighed.


“Dad’s having a full-out, clichéd midlife crisis, complete with a nubile Playmate, who is reportedly young enough to be our sister, ”

“Well, that’s just Fantastic, isn’t it.”

“You’re sunny this morning. What’s the matter?”

“Nothing. Everything is perfect.”

“How’s your lovely, leggy graduate student doing?”

“Claire is fine. Claire is perfect.”

“Okay. If you say so. I hear that Dad’s bringing this new girl to the wedding, and believe me, Virginia and Rose are about ready to-“

“Look, I really have to go. I’m about an hour late,”

“Well, so am I,”

“Well, at least I’m not paying forty-five thousand a year to get drunk and over sleep.”

“Don’t be so-“

“So what? Responsible?”

“So uptight. So, anyway, I was wondering if maybe I could have your plus-one for the wedding. I’ve been seeing this girl for a couple months now, and I was just thinking that since-“

“No, Jim, I—“

He was going to say “I need it,” and remembered that he didn’t, not anymore. Instead, he hung up and got dressed for work.

It is easy to forget, when one is upset, that other people cannot intuit your every thought, nor see the elephant which is occupying your headspace. And so it wasn’t until he was pulling out of the tight parking spot which he’d fought tooth and nail for that Tom realized he hadn’t said a word to his brother about what had happened with Claire

Please Read this, and tell me what you think??
I went back and read the first paragraph you submitted, but there were still a couple of wholes. The first: who are dot and beth?

The second: If it's 430 in California, why would it be too late (except for sheer laziness) for Jim to get to a class in 2 hours.

The third: If dad is 57 and Melinda is 36, he is old enough to be father (earlier you said not old enough)

Basically, watch for continuity errors. Try to tighten some of the information. The ages for the children also seem to be a little off.
Reply:well one thing that i noticed is that you dont use the rule where you put two spaces after a period

good luck! :)
Reply:Shorter paragraphs, dialogue intermixed with background on characters as the story unfolds, and how what the background on the characters relates to the dialogue.
Reply:it is very good althought i havent read the begining.

it is ok that you give the characters sonething the readers can imagine and create them. and i thing that have a great spirit in them but somehow u mix it up. first u give total view on them and then you hide their feelings.

its like you want to show them but you dont. thats interesting and quite new. havet heard of a writer doing that. it may pass the readers.

globaly it is great. u should publish it ! can u send me the first part on my email to read it. i promce i will wirte u back with an opinion ! thanks ! and good luck !
Reply:If you want as blunt non-complementary answer I will say that I did not like the way you switched settings abruptly from the sister’s location to the brother’s location and also it “seemed” like you trying to show the setting and surroundings of the characters to much. I could not really feel any emotional content.

Question about insurance claim that is untrue?

Someone claimed that a freind of mine hit their car and drove away. however, she was not in the car that day, and has witnesses to prove it! Her insurance company said that the other driver of the car had plently of evidence (description and number plate!). We think that they saw her car the next day and took down her number plate thinking it was the same style as the one that hit them. Her insurance company sent her a letter saying that they were going to pay out! She is obviously arguing this tooth and nail, as she has 5 years no claim. Have any of you had similar experiences or any advice?

She has asked her insurears to send someone out to check her car, as it has no damage at all.

Question about insurance claim that is untrue?
Tell her to contact the Insurance Ombudsman and also to send a letter to her insurers stating that she is in no way responsible , that she is contacting the Insurance Ombudsman with her complaint and that she does not want them to settle the claim - tell her to keep copy of the letter and send this with complaint to the Insurance Ombudsman along with witnessed statements that to say she was not driving her car that day - she could also go to the Citizens Advice as they may be able to help as well - she could also go to a Solicitor who gives advice free for an initial interview - good luck
Reply:tell her to contact the police as it is obviously fraud and let them deal with it!
Reply:Go to the police and report a criminal offence of fraud, it will be sorted out quickly!
Reply:Since she would suffer a financial loss if the insurance company paid out, she has the option of complaining to the Financial Ombudsman (but she'll have to join a long queue).
Reply:For the insurance company it may be cheaper to pay the black mail rather than fight it. She can sue her insurance co if they raise her rate -- expensive, tough to prove. If my insurance co did this when the policy was up for renewal I would find another insurer.
Reply:was this witness so called ,witnessed this incedent have any other info eg photo's or any other evidence...

does your friend pass any cctv systems or cameras that reconise her or her car or car park systems that will back up her claim,

this will help to clear her name as this other person is acting fraudulant......

and i would take her to civil court if you can!!!!!

if she hit this other car would her car NOT be Damaged!!!!
Reply:I agree with the others here. Tell the police that someone is committing fraud. However, your friend should NOT tell the police that it is she being defrauded because if she does they will do nothing of any consequence. If she tells them that it is the insurance company that will be the victim, which is the truth, she'll find that they won't be able to move fast enough or get enough volunteers to score some smartie points.

Sorry, but I have a dim view of the police, based on bitter experience of dealing with the Hampshire Constabulary, when it comes to them being asked to assist private individuals.



When i was young, my mother enrolled me in cotillian, so that i could live up to our socialite name. I fought tooth and nail agianst it, and even boycotted the dress code for my coming out party. Now that i am a parent, my mother has offered her opinoin that i should enroll her in cotillian. I am not sure if i want that life for her, but should i let her decide? or should i just force her to do it like my mother did?

Just have a frank conversation with your daughter. Explain what cotillion is and what you do in it. Try not to inject your own negative opinions of it, otherwise your daughter may come back one day and say, "You made me say no when I really did want to try it." And then ask her if she's interested. Chances are she'll say no -- cotillion was already on its way out when I was in middle school and high school in the 90s. Then you can just tell your mom that while you appreciate her opinion, your daughter isn't interested, and you'd rather her invest her time in something she DOES like to do.

If your daughter does say yes, there are some great things to be learned in cotillion that apply to real life. My best friend did it, and she picked up a lot of etiquette rules that continue to be useful for her in business situations.
Reply:Let her decide. Why have a battle with your daughter over something so inconsequential to real life?
Reply:Would you have appreciated the chance to make your own decision, probably, and she probably would to.
Reply:You have to let her decide she will respect you much more if you let her have a say.
Reply:ok. I was like that too. When I was in middle school my parents made me do the SAME THING. and I HATED IT. BUT in the end...I sit up straight (great posture) i shake hands the way they are supposed to be shook. I have excellent table manners. blah blah blah...and you know stuck! I look around and hardly ANYONE has any manners anymore! they slump over...give cold, dead fish handshakes and hunch over their plate to shovel in the food! these are just some of the things I have witnessed. I think even if your daughter thinks its outrageous and stupid...think in the long run. Seriously, we NEED more mannerly people in this world.

and another thing, being in cotillian really helps to land a great job.

Are we coming to an end?

I met my now b/f April of last year and we got together last June. At that time i was coming out of an 8 year marriage with 3 kids. It was like love at first sight I had never felt anything like I felt for him before, not even with my husband. It seems now though things are fading. I feel inside that maybe I jumped in too soon. He comes with alot of baggage I thouht I could put up with but I don't think I can. My heart and head tells me to break it off and just focus on my children. He knows how I feel and is fighting it tooth and nail. He thinks we can stay together and everything will just smooth itself out. But i think i need to be alone. Idk what to do. He is a good guy who would do anything for me but, I am just confused as to why i started having all these feelings at once. It seemed like 2 months ago we were fine....

Are we coming to an end?
Ask him for some space to think. See if you can "take a break" for a week or a month, lots of people do this, my mom is a single mom with 2 boys and she did the same thing.
Reply:relationships are crazy. as you know. you just have to follow how you feel. yea i know that is easier said then done. my kids alwas come 1st b4 anyone else. i would say. give it some time n if your feelings dnt change then maybe take a break for awhile. that always help
Reply:if someone loves each other and if they aint staying together they get tired of not seeing each other they get tired of waiting even for seconds ... and at the next moment they meet they start to make trouble and fight or blame each other cuz they love each other but cuz they are so tired of waiting so he maybe right it will be ok if u two stay together .

by the way make sure he really loves ur kids ... make sure he will do anything for em as for u or else dont even bother about putting those childrens lives in dangeour by marrying him ... so make sure he is 100 % true if he is then its ok ...
Reply:take a break to sort out your life.. if in a month your still thinking about him, give him a call
Reply:It's always good to do what's best for you especially when there's kids involved. Right now the kids come first and everything else sencond. If this relationship is not doing it for you, then you need to take a break cause if you're not happy the kids will see that and for some reason kids always seems to pick their parents moment of unhappiness to rebel against them. Take the time to figure out what you want and what's best for you and the kids. make sure you really think about it.
Reply:maybe just take a lttle time out

Lady's am i a normal guy?

So i never really thought about this but, you know what the stereo typical guy is right? The lowed mouth, garbing his groin, garbing a girls butt, macho moron. Well i always thought that is not how most guys are, but my question is am i a normal guy? I will give you a description of my self based off of what people have said about me; I seem to find the right thing to say (my girl was called an alien and i told her “it makes sense, your out of this world and you up ducted my hart”) I don't cry all the time but if i need to i will, i will fight tooth and nail to protect the ones i care about, I am kinda soft spoken but not shy, and i can make almost anyone laugh (maybe not hard but they laugh) so am i normal or do i just think it?

Lady's am i a normal guy?
you sound extreamly normal to me

dateable even

so be proud dont be one of those guys that are 'lowed mouth, garbing his groin, garbing a girls butt, macho moron' not attractive to a girl
Reply:You are so normal and if I knew you, I would totally go out with you.
Reply:i think you know what you are, yahoo answers is not a place to pick up chicks!
Reply:You make some girl very happy!
Reply:I say your normal....
Reply:You're normal! You seem like a great guy!
Reply:Just do what you feel is right. No one really knows the guts of this situation. It's best if you take these ideas as hints and make up your own mind. Hope this helps.
Reply:omg yeahh your normal! i would deff. go out with you if i knew you. you seem super sweeet! =)
Reply:umm r u serious ?
Reply:Normal isn't a description of something, it's a perception. If you think you're normal, that's simply your opinion. I think you're a retard because you can't spell for the life of you.
Reply:you spell like a retard



up ducted

you may be 'sensitive' but that's outweighed by your stupidity.
Reply:What is normal? In my opinion there should be no "stereo-typical guy" be who YOU are, I know I love that more than any douche trying to pretend to be something he's not. And if someone says you're not normal, I want you to look them right in the eye, stick up your middle finger, and say "**** YOU!" My favorite quote, curtosy of Gerard Way. But seriously, if you find someone who loves you for who you are "normal" or not. Then you know you're alright. Ok? Lots of luck!
Reply:U seem more different than ur normal guy.
Reply:yes you are normal!! Just because you dont act like one of those jerks that you were discribing doesnt make you weird

actually it makes you a very good guy and any girl that dates you is very lucky =)
Reply:cool...i bet some girls really like guys like u, every girl is different just keep looking for one
Reply:What is normal anyways? You don't seem strange or anytings. You seem like a really nice guy. I wouldn't worry about anything!
Reply:dude,stop acting like a female
Reply:honey... your not normal.... your not a pig....

oh my god... your like BETTER than normal...

ugh i want a guy like you. psh.

keep being the way you are!!!!!!!!!!!
Reply:i would totally go out w/ u! %26amp; yeaaa ur normal..haha
Reply:I have one question for you...

Are you single? ;)

I think you're about normal but leaning towards the better than normal. :)
Reply:i think ur very normal.

Why should there be Saffron colour in our National flag?

Both ruling as well as opposition parties hate the Saffron colour and Saffron Brigade tooth and nail. How come they have not thought of changing the Saffron colour in our National flag. It can be replaced by some pleasing colour of Italy or Russia. (We can tolerate a hardcore communist to be the Speaker and even as a VP but Saffron discipline cannot be tolerated, isn't it?)

Why should there be Saffron colour in our National flag?
Reply:it is a good combination for white and green Report It

Reply:Saffron in symbolic of courage and sacrifice.
Reply:Tri Colour Flag= Saffron -for Hinduism and (revolution)- White- Christianity (Peace)- Green- Muslims (for Agriculture)- and in between 24 folks Asoka Chakra- stands for citizens of india to stand for its integrity- development- unity- democracy- secularism- 24 hrs for complete years of their life span.

Our India is treated as a Mini world in itself. Because in India all the relligions and relligious people who live in the world will live in India.

India is a country named for "Unity in Diversity". I love India
Reply:pahele pakistan ke flag se green colour hata ke aao , bad me sochenge .
Reply:If you tell me why there shouldn't be saffron colour in the National flag,I will tell you why

there should be.Deal?
Reply:Saffron colour is symbol of courage and sacrifice and

should remain forever in our flag .
Reply:Mr.Prithvi has given a fitting reply to you. Think about it if you are an Indian.
Reply:congress and left may accept ur proposal for vote
Reply:The ideological input as per the ethos of the nation, which prevailed at the time of the first design by Madame Cama, and then adopted by free India, was responsible for the design with the specific colours. It may require a constitutional amendment to change the flag, howsoever tempted a segment of politicians may be. It is extremely difficult to push through the same, in view of possible backlash by the people who would be united on this cause, (though they are compacent to the pinpricks of the self-beatified 'progressives' in normal times). It would be a political suicide for these politicians, since it is easier to manage closed door chambers containing few hundred members than the millions and millions of emotionally charged populace.

Gold Teeth

How many of you brides have been screwed over?

during wedding planning.. what advice would you give to other brides.

I meet with over 20 jps when i finally found one i liked.he was nice. both my fiance and i felt comfortable with him. i gave him a $200 deposit in cash. with the promise that he wold email me the contract. He never did email me a contract. he took forever answering my emails. and everytime he said he was going to email something he was having problems with his computer.when i tried getting my deposit back he fought me tooth and nail.. finally he agreed to give me half of it back. m advice.. never just hand over money without having a written and SIGNED by both parties in your hand.. also always pay by cash. and if the say they want it in cash tell them sorry you do everything b check. and people are really too good to be true

How many of you brides have been screwed over?
Yes I have been! I had a photographer that did awful work, we gave her a deposit without a contract...however we cancelled the check and did the 'right thing' by turning around and paying her half of the deposit as the engagement photo sitting fee that was supposed to be free....she proceeded to call my fiance and I fat..i was the cow and he was the whale...and she said she wanted to take my fiance to court for sexual like wtf...poor guy was so upset because he was with me the ENTIRE time, we walked in front of her...she was a B***** and we went to the police about her. She threatened to F*** us up!

We finally found a new photographer and she's so much better

look at ALL their work, make sure alot of have un-enhanced, you don't want to have someone and find out everythings been enhanced or altered because they're covering up for their own mistakes.
Reply:Ouch, so you got burned like that....but really good advice. There is always someone who will try to gain money and power by anyway possible especailly in trajic or blissful moments. by the way, Congrats on getting engaged. :)
Reply:I am sorry to hear about all that! I had a similar situation with a photographer we hired. She seemed professional and did nice work, but was just starting out. She kept trying to pressure us to pay her sooner, but I told her I would not give any type of deposit until we had a contract. She never did send that contract (OR our engagement pictures!) so we let her go. Happily! We decided to go with someone more experienced, and things are going much better now. Never let a vendor pressure you! THEY are working for YOU and a certain level of professionalism should be expected.

Good luck with everything, I'm sure your wedding will be gorgeous!
Reply:Never had anything like that happen but good advice to keep in mind for my future wedding whenever it gets here, ya know? I'm sorry that you had to learn the hard way but it's better to have eyes wide open for the future than not.

Reply:I'm sorry that this happened to you.

All of the vendors that we dealt with were by recommendation only. They were all upstanding businesses and did amazing work.
Reply:my florist screwed me over and I flipped out on her and went somewhere else
Reply:I did get a bad vibe from one catering hall so I stayed away. I felt like I was talking to a used car salesman and I just got a funny feeling. He offered me a drink and I felt like I would have a bill for it when I left. I didn't of course but I went with my instincts and went somewhere else.

The problem I did run into was the church of all places. They wouldn't tell me what days they had available so I could go to a catering hall and say okay - I can do the wedding on these 4 days - what do you have available. They gave me such a runaround that I went to another church (my church the bad one was my husbands) I figured if they were giving me such a hard time on just getting a day what would they do after that and on the day of the wedding.
Reply:No, we weren't. We were careful. One just never pays for services until they are received.

Do you know who Bill Foster is? / Is this indicative of what's coming on our way?

"This is a red district. Former Speaker of the House Denny Hastert represented this district since 1987, winning reelection by huge margins.

This district includes the city of Dixon, which is the birthplace of Ronald Reagan. This is a district that President Bush won twice, and in 2004 he received 56% of the vote. The NRCC poured over $1 million here to hold onto this seat -- nearly a third of its cash on hand....Republicans fought tooth and nail to keep this district, and they lost."

**Bill Foster won in the red district which includes "the city of Dixon, which is the birthplace of Ronald Reagan."

This according to pundits and strategists was unlikely to happen. Yet, Bill Foster and the Dem. Party pulled it off.

Barack Obama's odds of being where he is in this race, were "unlikely" by many of the same people.

Yet, here he stands.

Is this what's on our way : a change, a break from the partisan politics?

Like he says "We are the UNITED STATES" !!!


Do you know who Bill Foster is? / Is this indicative of what's coming on our way?
I know Bill Foster and he is a GOOD guy. He is now a super delegate and Obama campaigned for Foster. Obama will win the nomination, especially with the following activity engaged by Hillary.;f...
Reply:Um. I did expect Oberweiss to win, but Oberweiss had some personality issues with some people, as well, and this area has become a subburb of Chicago, not really rural any more.

which isn't to say Obama may not win the nomination, only that I don't think this race is a precursor of anything.
Reply:I thought he was Jakarta!! where he was schooled!!
Reply:yes honor and truth is finaly comeing to's about time...

Why is our willingness to entertain an idea dependent on our pollarity to the idea and moral certitude?

The example used to explain this question is an example of a Hypothetical Situation, this question is not however about Hypothetical Situations.

While looking back over my questions I have noticed something odd. When I have asked hypothetical questions involving somewhat controversial subjects I have noticed that there is always at least one person who will argue tooth and nail that the question is wrong, the situation could never happen, that people do not act like that, ad infinitum.

Now a standard Hypothetical questions format is 'IF you are HERE and you have choice 1 OR 2 AND NOT 3,4 OR 5 WHAT would YOU do?'. This asks that person to imagine that something is happening as detailed and asks for a reaction based on this. However as the person becomes more and more opposed (polarity in opposition) to the idea they are less and less inclined to engage in hypothetical reasoning. It has also become clear that as people become more and more sure of their own moral certitude and ideological rightness they become less able or willing to conceive of opposing or differing ideas.

So why is it that as people become more sure of their own position (their moral certitude and polarity for or against a specific position) and they become less able to entertain other ideas, conflicting or not?

Please explain your position.


Why is our willingness to entertain an idea dependent on our pollarity to the idea and moral certitude?
The Law of Attraction.

Will the world remember that John McCain is a Democrat?

I just want to see how the Democrats turn their back on old '51' (John Mcain seemed to be the 51st 'liberal' vote in the senate after Bush defeated his bid in 2000) when tooth and nail are employed in the next few months.

an old article

may remind many of how the DNC looked towards McCain as an ace in the hole while the Rebublicans had the Senate majority. Since Kennedy and Clinton and Feingold were so buddy buddy with McCain in the early part the Bush admin, will the buddies still hang when the debates begin?

Will the world remember that John McCain is a Democrat?
Amen to that! Here is where people REALLY need to do their homework and know who they're voting for. He's equal to Hillary Clinton and other liberals when it comes to his double minded virtues. I watched him on youtube change his mind about gay marriage, with only 11 between the questions! And there's plenty more where that came from. You can see the indecision on his face when he answers a question, wondering which answer will gain him the most favor in light of the audience he's standing in front of.
Reply:Nice try Sparky. 81% conservative rating. We know who the liberals are in this contest. A moderate republican works for most of us.
Reply:I like McCain for his democratic tendencies and will vote for him in a heartbeat if Hillary back doors the DNC for the nomination.
Reply:he was sort of a democratic before and a little after 2000 but after the 2004 election he's all conservative now...I liked the moderate John McCain...if that John McCain was running and hillary was the nominee for the Dems then I'd vote for him but he wants to continue the war for a long time so I won't vote if hillary wins the nomination...
Reply:Noelle, you are a fool!! You seem to be in support of Obama, and yet you claim here that you would vote for McCain in a heartbeat if Hillary were to back door him. I too support Obama, and the reason being is that he is, and was, against the war from day one. Obama is opposed to giving the major corporations permanent tax cuts, whereas McCain is for just that. McCain is a continuation of the Bush years. He is not a liberal!

And yet here you are, stating that you would vote for McCain. On every major issue, he represents the exact opposite of Obama. You are an embarrassment to Obama, for you obviously do not understand the issues.

Obama wants to bring the troops home, McCain openly endorses the prospect of our involvement for the next century. At least with Hillary, the troops will come home.

Obama = Inspiration!!

McCain = status quo, samo, samo!!

Just where do you stand? And why are you supporting my candidate? It is obvious that you are voting for him for one reason, and one reason only.Your first choice is cool, but your second one is 180 degrees off. It goes without saying that Obama would throw his support to Hillary as opposed to the likes of McCain, you want to vote for the man, but Fxxx the issues, right ?!?

men dress shoes

How do i get over the loss of my first real job?

i am still a student in college, and i fought tooth and nail with classmates to get the job (not internship) of my dreams at an architecture firm. i was so excited, i quite my job at the mall and was ready to start down a real career path...however, on my way to the interview i was in a bad car accident... after that, i still had fight to convince them to let me come in again. they decided to hire me, even though they knew i was still a student, with no experience... about a month later they decided they had to let me go because they didn't feel like taking the time to train me (their office was falling apart they needed a professional's help). i guess i kinda understand their motive, but what i don't understand why they wasted my time in the first place. i still feel like this was a personal attack (they were very mean to me when i worked there), and i can't shake the feeling of being a loser...not a good first experience. now i jobless, car-less, and my grades at school are slipping.

How do i get over the loss of my first real job?
You know, it is important to research your jobs before you spend so much time getting them. However, this experience was important for you to learn, and the first lesson is, some businesses are very dysfunctional. Hiring you was THEIR mistake, not yours. They did not know their own company well enough to hire what they needed. You were the wrong person for the job.

Get back to your studies and learn what's right and what's wrong for you. Just because you want something does not mean it is the best thing for you at the time. A dysfunctional company is wrong for your first job. You need to learn how things are done well, not dysfunctionally. However, if you don't do well at school, you are not going to be prepared for anything.

If you had head trauma in your accident, IMMEDIATELY go to the dean of your school and explain that you need time off to evaluate the effects of the head trauma and get therapy. Don't waste your time taking classes if you have the effects of a head injury. Some of these effects are an inability to concentrate and a sense of depression. You could have the same symptoms from loosing a job, but th accidents could have caused the same problems. Be prepared for school, don't juggle. Forget a job. All good things come to the person who waits. Use your intelligence to evaluate situations. Don't create false expectations in yourself about people and situations and yourself, expectations can be devastating. People and situations can let you down when they fail to meet those expectations. Become a realist, not an optimist or a pessimist.
Reply:when god closes a doo,r he opens a window. go look for another job, leave this job on a good note though, just incase the are hiring again later.
Reply:Just think.

All the people who are successful,

every single one of them,

were rejected or fired at some part of their life.

You working there gave you some experience right? and you were still in college when you had the job! that's pretty impressive!

You working there was just a step in your life, to get you where you need to be. It was like on stepping stone that lead you to wherever you want to be.

Are you a better person after you left the job, then when you came to it? Then it was worth having the job.

How many think Hillary or Obama will quit before the Convention?

Since either candidate has to win all the rest of the states with a 60% margin in order to get the required number of delegates, how many people think one of them will bow out of the race for the good of the party? Or will both of them fight tooth and nail all the way through the convention in August?

How many think Hillary or Obama will quit before the Convention?
I don't believe it is very likely that any of them will quit for different reasons. I think that Obama will have more delegates (not counting super delegates) and more votes; therefore it will not make any sense for him to quit. I think it is unlikely that the Clintons will acknowledge defeat ; they will try their hardest to win superdelegates and to get the Michigan and Florida primaries taken into account. It probably won't work because it would be a suicide for the Democrats but who knows...

Now perhaps if Obama wins Texas and Ohio, then Hillary can be prevailed upon to give up... Right now the polls don't favour that scenario but things may well change. And even if Hillary wins with a narrow margin in these states, she will be in a very difficult position and may be forced to quit.
Reply:i dont think either one will quit. the dirty stuff hasnt even started yet.
Reply:I think the super delegates will decide the winner - sucks.
Reply:I do not see it happening soon, it is far too close.

I do feel the Super delegates will go to the candidate with the majority of public votes. So one could bow out early, but not until all of the votes have been counted.t.
Reply:It is not likely.

Reply:I think Texas and Ohio could decide it.
Reply:If Obama loses the nomination, (not likely at this point,) I see him bowing out gracefully. If Hillary loses, she will demand recounts and revotes and do-overs until the roosters quit crowing at sunup. She will gnash her teeth, throw tantrums and never, never let it go. The convention will just be an afterthought.
Reply:I don't think either will quit,..and that's not a bad thing !

I don't remember the last "brokered" convention, so I'm looking forward to it, also, after the candidate is decided, I hope to see John Edwards, and Evan Bayh at the top of the potential Vice-President's list.

This could be an historic election cycle for more reasons than previously thought !
Reply:I don't think Hillary will quite even if someone else is elected president.
Reply:Obama will condece in April 22.
Reply:I've always considered myself to be a Democrat. I joined the Democratic Party many years ago, and have only voted for 1 Republican in all of those years.

I hate to say it, but if Obama gets the Democratic nomination, I'll vote Republican again.

I won't vote for a cocky person with no experience and nothing to say except that we need change. Change to "WHAT"? Hitler offered "change". Stalin offered "change".

I don't trust anyone who won't say what the specifics of that "change" are. Many of my friends and colleagues have voiced the same opinion that I have and are willing to accept Hillary based on the fact that she has so much experience, and the fact that she has a Rhodes scholar at her side to go to for advice if the need arises.

Sorry Democrats....... Call us all "turncoats" if you wish. It's just the way it is. If Obama gets it, McCain gets our votes. You'll see in November why the Republican voter turnout was so low in the primaries, and be stunned by the number of Republican votes in the November election.

The Republican vote has been shifted to Obama during the primaries (white males), in an attempt to ensure his nomination with the knowledge that he will be defeated by McCain (who the Republicans are sporting as "liberal", when in fact he is not, to sway middle road voters when Obama gets nominated.) And the Democrats seem to be falling for this old ruse.

This same old scam has been used in the past. So be it if we want 4-8 years more of Republican rule, I guess that people just can't see the forest for the trees. That's all I have to say on the subject.

Rate my magic the gathering deck more to follow!?

1 Tooth And Nail

4 Virulent Sliver

4 Fatal Frenzy

1 Sliver Overlord

1 Joiner Adept

1 Sword Of Kaldra

1 Reflex Sliver

1 Brute Force

4 Gemhide Sliver

4 Sinew Sliver

2 Pulmonic Sliver

1 Sidewinder Sliver

1 Spitting Sliver

3 Snake Cult Initiation

2 Might Sliver

1 Two-Headed Sliver

1 Sliver Legion

1 Essence Sliver

1 Magma Sliver

1 Priveliged Position

8 Plains

9 Forest

5 Mountains

2 Gemstone Mine

im looking for any additional help to make this better

Rate my magic the gathering deck more to follow!?
umm its pretty bad wat u shuld do however is add 2 more silver overlords and take out 2 forest. Afterwards you shuld play against a friends or someone u can trust to c if ur deck is better
Reply:I like the deck. Running 3 colors is tough though. Opinion here. Take out the Overlord. You need too much to fall into place to make it happen. Running 3 colors is hard enough. You definitely have enough mana.. I would run it like this , but, I would also run it as a 2 color. Mix it up. White/Green. White/Red and Green/Red. I like Snake, but again, you are runnin yourself thin and if thta's the only black, and I 'm not relaly looking, then why.. That's my take on it. I think it will run good.

go to and put it up and see what other people think. You'll get some people who are jack-a**es, but you do have an awful lot of people that will give you some seriously honest feedback. and you can rate other peoples decks. Your main drawback is the multiple colors. otherwise, tis a really great sliver deck

Who believes Sept. 11th was an inside Job?

I do! I have seen enough evidence and screw you if you think I'm stupid or crazy! I have a 129 IQ And 2 college degrees! The rules and regulations before september 11th have vanished as far as political correctness and human rights. Someone wanted to turn America back into the war machine it used to be. Not what it was like between 1973-2000. It is so obvious. I will fight you tooth and nail. I'm tired of these people covering up something as big as this with lame excuses! Reasons for my belief:

1.) Freefall speed of WTC

2.) Reports of cordite and explosions from witnesses and workers.

3.) No clear video released from the Pentagon.

4.) Rolls-Royce claims the engine from the wreckage at the Pentagon is not that of a 757

5.) The lawn at the Pentagon was undamaged.

6.) Why were the cabel spools in front of the Pentagon unmoved?!? Right in front of the hole??!!

7.) Why are there no more poor people? Where did the middle class go?

Who believes Sept. 11th was an inside Job?
An inside job? Well, its possible. The past few generations haven't really done much good to the world. But what on what scale exactly do you mean?
Reply:Cranks %26amp; Lunatics

Take off the tin foil hat.
Reply:i believe.
Reply:i feel you..
Reply:Are you an American? If so, you are a disgrace and an insult to all of the nearly 3000 people who died, to their families and to all of those who survived - including my brother who was a hero. If you arent an American, it's none of your business and you are just spewing unfounded lies and venom.

No, it was not an inside job. Are you an architect or engineer? Well it happens I am, with a degree in Architecture from a top 10 Architecture school and there is absolutely NO evidence to prove any of your claims.

The freefall speed of the buildings was entirely appropriate - given the type of construction of the buildings. Are you aware that the lightweight construction of the building means that there were no columns in the building to slow it down? If you understood the constuction you would know exactly why the two buildings fell. It happens I have a set of blueprints and can show you precisely why and how they fell. Come on over and I will show you and end this foolishness once and for all. NO cordite - nothing. ALL LIES.

There IS a video of the Pentagon plane. The Pentagon is several layers thick which is why there was nothing on the lawn. The plane went deeply into the structure.

No more poor people? Where did the middle class go? Right here, baby. There are plenty of poor people still in America and the middle class is alive and well.

Incidently, I have two college degrees - both summa c u m laude, and my IQ is about 40 points higher than yours. I have been a member of MENSA since I was 16. Being intelligent has nothing whatsoever to do with what you are saying. Oh incidently, I have also been on the site - shortly after the incident and know a whole heck of a lot more about what happened there than you will ever know. I have also read every single word of the 9/11 report and have read literally thousands of interviews with people there and nobody has ever been reported as having seen any explosions from anything but jet fuel. There is video that I have seen thousands of times in ultra slow motion that shows EXACTLY why the buildings fell. Without going into detail here, they fell for two completely different reasons - which is why the courts eventually awarded Mr. Silverstein with the full settlement for EACH of the two buildings. I can describe each of those reasons for you in great detail, going all the way back to the construction of the buildings.

Are you aware that both buildings were actually checked out by engineers and capable of withstanding a direct hit from a jet plane? Only it happens that they could only check them out for the planes available in 1970 when they were built. The planes that struck the buildings were not in existance at the time and therefore the buildings did not fail - they actually performed wonderfully and saved thousands and thousands of deaths.

People like you are just big mouths who need to get a life and stop attacking my country and my city. Go worry about whether or not aliens landed in Area 51. Find the Holy Grail. Look for Bigfoot. But leave the good people of New York City and the Pentagon and Flight 93 alone. You have been brainwashed by conspiracy theorists who have opened a batch of stupid websites with half truths and lies.

Pax - C.

Reply:It must have been, why else would those scumbaggs have choosen my birthday!
Reply:First off persipho or whatever that users name is needs to go back to engineering school. Nobody builds a 110 story building without steel columns. These buildings had 47 of them they dont just go away. However thermite or worse over thermate was found on the steel structures. Your facts are coming straight from fox news and the rest of main stream media. Get your news from less controlled media. This is the eye opener for the american patriot, we are being challenged, like freedom? Its time to speak out while we still have the right to. This was the biggest lie,If you know even the basics of psychology a bigger lie is easier to get away with than smaller. Your mind has a hard time trying to think out of the box when in shock mode the wool is easily pulled over ones eyes.You need to do some careful research and come to a logical solution. Then if you cant see this as something deeply wrong you are an idiot. We like to refer to you as sheeple. baa baa.
Reply:NO, I DO NOT!!! I have no higher education, no degrees, but I have common sense. I have read the 9/11 report. Unfortunately we have a lunatic fringe in this country, no doubt you are a member. As for the poor and the middle class, LOOK AROUND. We are everywhere.
Reply:Loony conspiracy theorists.


Did you hear Alec Baldwin's phone message to his 11 year old daughter on CNN?

This morning on CNN I heard a phone message left by Alec Baldwin for his 11 year old daughter and felt it was threatening, violent and totally out of line, no matter what his daughter may have done. Has anyone else heard this yet, and as a parent what do you think should be done. For myself, if I was Kim Bassinger or any mother having heard that message, I would fight tooth and nail with everything I had in me to make sure Baldwin NEVER could see or talk to my daughter unless it was supervised by a mental health professional and then only for a limited time, and only if my daughter wanted to see her father. Alec Baldwin is a very sick person in my opinion.

Did you hear Alec Baldwin's phone message to his 11 year old daughter on CNN?
I just responded to another person asking a similar question to yours. I agree with you 100%. I remember reading that Kim Basinger divorced Alec Baldwin because of his bad temper. And ever since then, he's tried to make her out to be this horrible person who wouldn't cooperate with him in letting him be with his daughter. Well after hearing that phone message he left for his daughter, no wonder Kim has been so protective. I truly hope Kim is able to get some justice here and that the courts will allow her to raise her daughter with some sanity. And that means to eliminate her father's role to a great extent. My support goes totally to Kim Basinger who's had to deal with Alec Baldwin's arrogance and hateful demeanor all these years.
Reply:I think Basinger's decision to release the tape was brilliant.
Reply:totally agree with you. =]
Reply:I'm still waiting for Alec Baldwin to move out of the U.S. like he said he would if Bush became President.
Reply:what did the daughter even do anyway?
Reply:I never heard it, but you know...most celebrities are nut jobs. Money and fame SEEMS like a life we'd all want to have, but it messes with you. 9 out of 10 are complete wackos, and you'd never know it from seeing them in the movies.
Reply:Sounds like MY dad...
Reply:Yeah it's pretty bad. I just went to CNN and this is what they had:

"You are a rude, thoughtless little pig."

"You don't have the brains or the decency as a human being," he says, apparently upset that she did not answer her phone for a planned call.

"I don't give a damn that you're 12 years old, or 11 years old, or that you're a child, or that your mother is a thoughtless pain in the *** who doesn't care about what you do as far as I'm concerned. You have humiliated me for the last time with this phone."

He goes on to say that he plans to fly from New York to Los Angeles "for the day just to straighten you out on this issue."

Baldwin's spokesman said in a statement Thursday that the 49-year-old actor will be "keeping his mouth shut and obeying court orders" in the best interest of the child.

"The mother and her lawyer leaked this sealed material in violation of a court order," he continued. "Although Alec acknowledges that he should have used different language in parenting his child, everyone who knows him privately knows what he has been put through for the past six years."

"The voice mail speaks for itself," Basinger's spokeswoman said.

Calls to Basinger's and Baldwin's attorneys were not returned.

Baldwin and Basinger, 53, were married in 1993. They have been involved in prolonged legal disputes over custody and other issues since she filed for divorce in 2001, which was granted in 2002. The couple's differences have been aired several times in public.

Basinger was charged with contempt of court in October for violating terms of a 2004 custody agreement. A motion by her lawyers to dismiss the charges was denied Wednesday in Los Angeles Superior Court. The next hearing on visitation issues is scheduled for May 4.
Reply:I too have been waiting for him to move out of the country. Depp did, why can't Baldwin?
Reply:no i haven't heard it. can anyone tell me what he said?
Reply:no, How does it go? i want to hear it or read quotes
Reply:I don't watch the news so I didn't hear it. Do they have it online? I don't know what I would've done. Thats freaky.
Reply:Yes, and as much as I hate the Communist News Network, it makes me sick to hear news like this, I truly feel sorry for the kids of Hollywood's elitist mentally ill moronic parents, such as Alec Baldwin, if only he had kept his promise to leave the country without his family, after Bush's victory, and especially now, why the hell doesn't he leave? The facts are clear that Bush, his cronies, 88% of the house and Senate both D's and R's, their mainstream media monsters, their Big Business Bastard Buddies, and way too many loony lobbyists are continuing to destroy the country, hell, I'm tempted to leave myself;(
Reply:This out of control jerk is the reason that there are orders of protection out there for women. Alec Baldwin is an angry, loose cannon, Liberal punk. I wonder if Rosie O'Donell will challenge his attacks on his wife and child, or remain simply silent as most "good Liberal Feminists"?

I would like to see a televised fight between Sean Hannity and Alec Baldwin to see if Baldwin is as good at fighting men as women. My money is on Hannity.
Reply:For a grown man to talk so harshly to his daughter, you would think that he is the child. What an idiot!
Reply:I live in Australia and heard the message on radio this morning....reading what he said is bad enough, but if you hear the tone in his voice - it sounds very, very angry and crazed - what a terrible thing to do to a little girl. Good on Kim Basinger for bringing to the authorities' attention - Alec Baldwin needs serious psychotherapy and I wouldn't let that little girl anywhere near him without a trained counsellor present to supervise him. He obviously has serious anger management issues.
Reply:I listened to the voice mail message and he sounded very very angry, no doubt. But keep in mind, there are always at least two sides to every story, every divorce, every custody battle. We can't be sure that his ex, Kim Basinger, hasn't been coaching her daughter in how to behave towards Alec. My husband's friend is going through a bitter divorce in which his soon-to-be ex has messed with their daughter's mind so badly that the girl refuses to see her father or her father's parents and now has to be in therapy.

Both parents are responsible for looking out for the well-being of their children during a divorce. We don't know the whole story here; we don't know what measures might have been taken that have driven Alec's outburst. Don't judge what you don't know.
Reply:Heard, but first read about it in the NY Daily News. I don't know what the girl is suppose to have done, but Mr. Baldwin was P - - - - D. It's hard to say what I'd do because I don't know what happened. I doubt I'd speak to my daughter in such a manner, but if she did something, I'd correct it.
Reply:What a piece of s*** he is!! It takes a big man to speak to a child like that, doesn't it?

I am the mother of a 12 year old girl- I shudder to think of the way I would react if my ex husband EVER spoke to my daughter that way!
Reply:Sounds like he's a spoiled brat and even expects his own daughter to treat him like he's a celebrity. It's so stupid and childish.
Reply:Lighten up , I'm sure he was probably only drunkas hell

Do you think Hillary will give up if all the rest of the primaries go to Obama?

I have a feeling that she will be in there tooth and nail, even if it means destroying the party. But maybe I'm wrong.

Do you think Hillary will give up if all the rest of the primaries go to Obama?
No, she won't give up, she will lose. The FL and MI delegates won't be seated, if they are, the DNC loses all credibility. If Obama has the pledged delegate lead, some Hillary superdelegates might vote for him. Those superdelegates are uncommitted.
Reply:She wont lose the rest of the primaries. I think Texas is going to be hard for Obama, he can take Ohio though.
Reply:Trust your feeling niko,

this dishonest lady and her husband will do everything to harm honorable Senator Barack Hussein Obama and continue to spread lies and destroy her party, may Allah punish her and her perjurious husband
Reply:Yeah, trust your feeling. Hillary thinks the nomination in 2008 is her right and her destiny, and she will do anything to secure it, even if it mean destroying the Democratic Party in the process. She could give a damn about the Party...she only cares about herself and her aspirations.
Reply:No, that boy could win them all, and her superdelegates will give her the nomination
Reply:Lets hope that neather of them win
Reply:She will go down calling for a recount. And she will be very loud about it.
Reply:Let's wait and see.

Hillary has a lot of fight in her yet.

Obama's constant repetition of the same platitudes is starting to wear thin................yawn.
Reply:I don't think so, Hillary is not a give up person.
Reply:Hillary has to much experience under her belt to give up. If she lose she will go out like a champion.

Hillary is built to fight a good fight, she's a gladiator.

%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;Go Hillary!%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;
Reply:She'll only give up after crying profusely before reporters, stomping her feet relentlessly, and throwing anything she can get her hands on at Bill.

I'd pay money to see that.
Reply:No way. She is in to Denver. The remaining elections will not all go to Obama, though I would be pleased personally if so, but the Clintons can call in favors. That is why the shift in management- watch the messages get down and dirty ,the ole school style. And watch more super delegates come stand beside her in the next five days. Every win for Obama there will be a Clinton Media Drama of some sort. Anything to remove the attention to his wins. We as a people like winners. Now just watch. It might come down to someone having a short hospital stay but Obama's wins will be downsized and down played if they can help it.

It's their effort rather than hers.
Reply:She wont lose the rest of the primaries. She would strong plan travel to the Texa and Ohio will be support American people every single vote together put primaries right person her make clear understand. She was smart also know to how solve of problem will fix in the country and America so hopeful. We are belief win her.
Reply:If Obama wins the rest, he will get the nomination, as he will have more delegates, even counting super delegates.

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