Monday, May 17, 2010

Are you Pro choice and Pro war, or anti-hypocrite?

You can't be both. I've heard a lot of right wing Christians fight against abortion tooth and nail, but loudly applaud sending 18 year olds to their deaths against a country that never attacked us. So, I ask you: Who would Jesus bomb?

Are you Pro choice and Pro war, or anti-hypocrite?
Jesus said "Love your enemy"

Not "Kill your enemy".

You will make more enemies with hate.

You will eliminate more enemies by winning them over with love.
Reply:So Hal H, how would you suggest we (America) handle our enemies. Should we invite all the terrorists over for dinner, tell them we love them and see how it goes from there. We might as well bend over while we're at it!

Come on, get a clue! Report It

Reply:Good point.
Reply:I would answer this question, but it's obvious that you just want to hear yourself talk.
Reply:No one , we should love these who hates us.
Reply:PRO CHOICE AND PRO WAR. Some people aren't afraid to make the decisions you fear so much.
Reply:It is a very good point and I don't want to start an uproar but most Christians are hypocritical, myself included...on this issue I don't want any innocent people to die but I would like to castrate the man who raped me...
Reply:Don't you mean Pro-Life and Pro-War? Right-wing Christians aren't Pro-Choice.

I agree, but you can use that same argument for Pro-Life and Pro-Death Penalty too.
Reply:I am pro-choice and pro-war and you are clearly a moron.
Reply:I'm pro-life, No dead babies, no dead soldiers!
Reply:There is no draft, those 18 year olds volunteer to fight for their country. I'm not sure, but I don't think that a fetus can volunteer to be sucked down the drain, yep pretty sure.
Reply:Lets see genius - Germany never attacked us either in WWI or WWII.

So I guess if we use your lame argument all of Europe would be speaking German today.

Niave is one thing but to be ignoirant on top of that is just dangerous. Combine stupidity with them both and you apparently have a liberal.
Reply:LOL This is a weak argument, not that I disagree with you. I just hate to see a weak argument, and let me explain.

Those are two different things, even though you may not see it.

The 'choice' of abortion is seen by the right wing as killing an innocent baby, a person not yet born, but with a soul. Personally, to me, there must be a moment between conception and birth that the 'baby' is aware, so therefore it would be murderous at that point to kill them. However, if there is a way to stop the growth soon after it is conceived, I don't see why that couldn't be done.

The 'war' is another thing. The right wing will say that they are sending volunteer grownups into a war that is just. That is the thing that makes this argument weak, not that I disagree with it.

I'm still hung on what to think about this war, because Sadaam Hussein and his sons were murderers and rapists and had their rape and torture rooms quite busy.

However, I also wonder if there were some 'other' ulterior motive to starting the war.

So while your question seems logical, it really isn't when you look carefully at the options.
Reply:I'm Pro-life and I also believe war is a necessary evil. There is a difference between killing someone during wartime and killing your own innocent child that depends on you for safety so they can be born and grow up.

War is inevitable, I mean I hear you complain about how war is bad by saying who would Jesus bomb but I don't hear you coming up with any alternative options to war.

Let me know when you figure out how to permanently end war

(Which would be a good thing, really, but not possible in a world that thrives off balance)

I don't think anyone is FOR war. Thats ridiculous. I am a Bush supporter but I don't know what I think about the war. In some cases it may be necessary. Contrary to what people think I believe he is a well intentioned human being. He takes so much crap about stuff he doesn't even have control over.
Reply:Just like being Pro-choice is not being Pro-abortion, People who support the efforts of the US are not Pro-war..I don't know anyone who likes war, except may Hussein, Napoleon, Hitler...etc. You should never listen to the words of a fanatic, no matter which side they are on...and people aren't applauding impending death, they are applauding a patriotic effort, a civic duty... I am Catholic, and Republican...I am against abortion, and I support the war..I do not think war is good, but sometimes it is unavoidable. Look up Thomas Aquinas treatise on war..all war is unlawful, but there can be such a thing as a just war...

And if we use your logic, liberals care about dying soldiers, but completely disregard unborn children?

acne scar

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