Monday, May 17, 2010

How much does it cost to get the following kind of divorce?

Let's say a man wants to get a divorce from his wife, and he wants sole custody of his three children and doesn't want to allow any unsupervised visits by the mother. Let's say the couple has been married for eight years and don't have any significant financial assets, just a house and cars which the wife can have if she wants. How much would such a divorce cost? Assume, of course, that the mother would fight tooth and nail over the custody issue.

How much does it cost to get the following kind of divorce?
Most states in the U.S. will grant joint, shared custody of the children. The only exception is if the mother or father is unfit, etc. This is in the "best interest of the child". The house and cars can be sold and equity in the house split 50%, the cars can be sold or if you want to give them to her, make payments, let her make payments, etc. All of this is worked out by the attorneys and court. You will pay approximately $1000 each to your respective attorneys to start divorce proceedings. Add more legal fees as time goes on.
Reply:why not try to fix it
Reply:If the mother fights tooth and toenail over custody? You are looking at $15, 000 and up.
Reply:Probably around $50 grand for a really good lawyer. The mother will almost always get the kids, especially if she was stay-at-home. That's just how the court works, unless your lawyer is good enough and proves incompetence somehow.
Reply:i assume a lawyer should be called. I also assume the guy is trying to be hurtful to the women and his kids. It's unfair for a man or women to not allow contact with children. Who it hurts the most the kids...that's the cost their emotional health
Reply:2500 to 5000
Reply:Divorces can cost as much as each side wants to spend. Literally up to hundreds of thousands of dollars if they have the money. If the father wants custody just to be a jerk than that is not fair, if she is abusive to the kids then you have to prove it somehow. If you just don't agree how she raises them, well that's too bad, she is their parent also. If she had an affair and hurt you and this is your payback then that is F*cked up to use the kids to get revenge.
Reply:If mom fights tooth and nail then it will cost a lot. Flat fee divorces are rare. Lawyers charge by the hour. Good lawyers go anywhere from $150-$700/hr. Also, there would be a guardian ad litem appointed for the kids to make a recommendation. That is another legal bill to foot or split. And, there may be the need to hire expert witnesses and submit to psychological exams. The last time I had one of these cases it cost the client about $35,000.
Reply:In the law firm that I work in the attorney would charge a retainer of $5,000.00- but depending on how long this drags out there could be additional retainers.

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