Monday, May 17, 2010

If faced with no alternatives would you except a revision of immigration laws and policy?

I understand where Anti's are coming from on the issue.They have valid concerns and need to have those concerns recognized.Many of us Pro's also have the same concerns,we just feel changes need to be made to provide for us citizens and also new immigrants a safer and more harmonious integration.So instead of fighting each other tooth and nail wouldn't it be in our best interests to at least listen to each other?Somehow politicians will get what they want.Either by hook or by crook.Do you think there will ever be a meeting of the minds so to speak where something of value will be accomplished?

If faced with no alternatives would you except a revision of immigration laws and policy?
Provided the government included certain provisions in such legislation, I could consider accepting new legislation. However, I haven't seen much inclination on the parts of the writers of last month's bill to provide the protections I would want.

1) A very thorough background check, and disqualification of criminal illegal aliens including criminal activity here or in home nations. That would include repeat offenders who returned after deportation as well as those convicted of violent crime, identity theft, drug-trafficking, gang-related activities and property crimes. It would also have to exclude drunken-drivers who have caused death of others while driving drunk.

No exceptions. A clearly defined list of crimes which disqualify and no leeway for a judge to be lenient.

2) A six months time limit for illegal aliens to report and apply for legal status. This is to prevent more from entering and applying.

3) Illegal aliens would be required to report their work history in full to the government. This would help to determine back taxes they owe and identify employers of illegal aliens to prevent further such employment. Penalties on back taxes to be equal to those that would be imposed on citizens.

4) No illegal alien granted status will be able to draw Social Security retirement unless they have paid in for a minimum of 25 years before reaching retirement age.

5) No illegal alien shall be ever granted citizenship status, but would remain resident aliens. The path to citizenship should be reserved only for immigrants who chose the legal options from the start.

6) Repeal anchor baby laws, removing a huge incentive for people to enter illegally.

7) No "chain" immigration. No preference given to members of immigrants families. They should be given equal consideration of all other applicants.

8) Requirements for employers to recruit American employees first at wages standard to the area. Penalties for those who fail to comply. Harsh penalities for those who continue to hire any illegal alien.

9) A declaration that this will be the final time the US grants any form of forgiveness to illegal aliens. All penalties for harboring and aiding illegal aliens be increased and enforced and that the US will expect cooperation from other nations, not protests and demands for laxity. Failure to cooperate will result in economic sanctions or reductions in foreign aid.

10) Funding and immediate implementation of securing the borders, increasing ICE and Border Patrol manpower, and to establish a fully-cooperative relationship with state and local law enforcement agencies, imposing withdrawal of federal aid to all sanctuary cities.

11) Require all legal immigrants or illegal aliens granted status to be fluent in English, or to agree to become fluent within 24 months. Failure to comply results in revocation of status.

12) No illegal alien shall be granted status unless they can prove the ability to be financially stable and not require any welfare benefits, including food stamps, housing subsidies, etc. After 36 months, they would be entitled to services granted to legal immigrants when need is established.

13) Require all employers to PROVE need for immigrant workers, whether permanent or temporary. An independent study should be done to determine need and immigration quotas decided upon completion. When temporary worker permits are granted, the employer must assure the worker leaves the US when the permit lapses.

14) All deported persons will be added to a DNA and fingerprint data-base, as well as all entering immigrants and illegal aliens granted status.

15) Increase illegal entry into the US, overstaying visas, permits to a felony, punishable by a minimum fine of $25,000 and imprisonment of a minimum of 36 months.

Then, I could agree.
Reply:the immigration process, in my opinion, needs a severe reform. people want to attack the problem where it stands.

why not attack it where it started? people need to realize that the immigration process is very difficult now days for the average mexican
Reply:Yes, the No Tolerance Policy would work for me. Your illegal, we kick you back over the border. Not Mexican, too bad. Until their government does something about it they get ALL the illegals. I say why do we have to build all of this wall. Force Mexico to chip in.
Reply:Wow, I bet you can't wait to get fitted for a microchip.
Reply:We would have a civil war before we would allow the politicians to overthrow our government.

We have laws for a reason. We are now enforcing them - beginning with the places of work where illegals have stolen identities and social security numbers.

We will be fining the landlords who rent to illegals. It is against our laws to rent to illegal aliens.

We will be removing politicians from office for violating our Constitution and abusing our laws.

You will be deported back to wherever you came from.

And please stop confusing legal immigrants with illegal aliens. They are worlds apart in meaning. Learn the difference.
Reply:Do pro's expect anti's to listen while they disrespect the American flag while protesting in our country? The politicians are not the ones that made us turn our noses up at illegal aliens. It's the illegal aliens who marched in our streets, demanding what we as American citizens would never be able to demand in their countries. Mexicans stuck out like a sore thumb as they waved their Mexican flags %26amp; burned Ole Glory! If they really want to become American citizens, they would at least try to abide by our laws %26amp; not disrespect our flag. The only laws that Americans would accept as a revision would be for pro's to foot the bill to take care of the people they want here. Leave our tax dollars alone. We must take care of our own people. American citizens should come before all of these people that cross our borders %26amp; plop out anchor babies left %26amp; right just to abuse the welfare %26amp; medical systems. All we want are our current immigration laws enforced. That is not too much to ask. These people must go home %26amp; return the correct way if they want to be welcomed.
Reply:I was reading what Coragryph wrote about Immigration reform (I'm glad he's back). The reason why he thinks new immigration laws won't work is the same reason why I am against illegal immigration. Our judicial system has gotten bad in which there are so many conflicting laws that the judges will just pick and choose the laws they want to enforce. I would like a society where our expectation is spelled out clearly, rather than the legal freeforall I see now. I keep seeing a society where we are spiralling into lawlessness. What I saw with the last immigration bill was that there are several parts in there that would be deemed unconstitutional. Of course it would take a judge to decide that , and it's a flip of the coin with it. I live in California, and saw several laws that I support and was voted in being trashed, because the courts found it unconstitutional. I have stated that I would support a reform as long as it looks at the health of our country in the long term. Excepting several million illegal immigrants if it prevents further such immigration. As to those who find this site an exercise of futility, you don't know who might be watching. Some of us here might know some people.
Reply:OK. I'll be serious for this one. So when is our (yours and mine) illegal marriage going to take place? And will it be some where REMOTE? Or will we be DEPORTED before it takes place? And who is all invited. My best man would be (see ya) JC_only even though you think he's trouble, and don't want me TALKING to him. Remember this was all your idea. The wedding was your proposal. Just know I'm not giving away the HOUSE. And if you give away MOST of the house, will you be as willing to accept my mistress? lol *wink*
Reply:No, I would not accept a revision, I will accept deportation for illegals and total accountablilty for all in my nation!

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