Saturday, May 15, 2010

Why are their so many rumors that say Walmart treats their employees like crap?

I hear many rumors that Walmart overworks employees, occasionally asks employees to work off the clock, pays min. wage, and over works their employees, and they are very mean to them. I work at Sams Club, which is owned by Walmart and they treat me very good. I also work for another grocery store that is in the Union, and I personally like it better at Sams. I get paid 3 dollars above the min wage, and I been their only 6 months, my other job, it took 4 years to get that. If you work 7 or 8 hours you automatically get a half hour lunch. The register or any electronic device that I log into locks me out after 4 and a half hours, to make sure I get my lunch. They also are very good at giving me my breaks on time. At my other job I have to pull tooth and nail to get my breaks at a decent time, not Sams. As for working off the clock, its againts policy to do so, its even against policy for a manager or Super visor to ingore and employee working off the clocks.

Why are their so many rumors that say Walmart treats their employees like crap?
walmart has treated me very well, i had been there for less than 90 days and was promoted to department manager. the pay is exceptional. im making more at walmart than i have ever made before, and that is working for both private and other large businesses. Walmart policy states that if your break is inturupted you must start it over and take a full 15 min in a row, you must take a lunch if working 6 hours or more that is federal law, and it must be at least a half hour long. The system will not let you log into anything if you are not on the clock. Walmart has an open door policy, if you have any problems or feel you are being treated unfairly you can go as high up in the company as you need to go to get the problems solved without fear of retribution. if you are asked by an assistant to work off the clock, go to a co or your store manager, or go to the district manager or market manager or district loss prevention manager there are tons of people there to help make sure things like this dont happen. if an employee is caught working off the clock it is grounds for termantion or get them a written coaching. dont do it.
Reply:I don't know about the employees, but I am sick and tired of Wal-Mart. They can kiss my rear, and I think I'll start going to Target. Everytime I go to Wal-Mart lately, the associates and management are rude and the place is run by idiots!
Reply:I would say some locations might be good to their employees while others might not be so good which can happen with any big company department store chain.
Reply:It just depends on which store you work at.

My first Walmart store was a neighborhood market. I loved it. All the workers got along and worked really well together.

The second Walmart store I worked at was terrible. Couldn't stand it. Management did not care at all about their employees and yes we were treated like crap.

As for being asked to work off the clock. Both stores never asked that of an employee.
Reply:personal experience I have worked at wal-mart and Sam's. Sam's is so much better then wal-mart. The pay is above min wage, at least at our wal-mart but, there were several occasions when I never got my break, or had to come off of break early because there were not enough cashiers. We were not allowed overtime, if we ever got over time we got in trouble!! And there were occasions at wal-mart that I never got a lunch break so I just went home an hour early. We have crappy managers at are wal-mart!!! I think it just depends on the wal-mart that you work at and who your managers are! And also I don't like the fact that wal-mart hires illegals! no offense but when I ask where something is in lawn and garden and no one in the department speaks English it is very annoying!!!!
Reply:Most of the propaganda is spread by unions and union funded media channels. Wal-Mart has always been very anti-union because of the price inflations that are forced by union labor. They take much better care of their employees at non-union stores than the few that have been infected.
Reply:I guess it depends on the store you work at. I have spoken with employees at the closest walmart to me and they are pretty happy, and look happy doing their job. In fact, the other walmart I've had the same experience.

There are good and bad managers everywhere.

I don't like the store because they force companies to drop their prices in order to be able to sell their products to walmart, and they do have a lot of merchandise that is not American; it is so expensive one has to wonder if there were sweatshops involved in the making and processing of the product, that's what I've been hearing. They also tend to put other shops out of business, especially the mom and pop type places. Those kind of individually run stores are so hard to find, they are priceless to me. I try to support small business when possible.

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