Monday, May 17, 2010

Israel's true agenda??

can it be a future possibility of israel after shattering hezbollah strongholds, move their soldiers into lebanon under the premise of keeping hezbollah under control? they can den slowly exert their influence on the weak lebanon government n take over the country one day. fighting tooth n nail over 2 captured soldiers?? i think the situation can be deeper den wat the media told us. wat other possibilities are there to this going on war?? where do u guys think this whole thing is heading to?

Israel's true agenda??
The situation you propose is highly unlikely.

First of all there would be tremendous anti-Israel backlash by the entire Arab world and by American protesters.

I don't see the conflict as anything more than Israel defending itself from its neighboring Arab enemies.

Israel has been under perpetual attack simply because the Arabs in the area see it as their divine duty to destroy Israel. They have done everything from launching rockets blindly into Israel to kidnapping Israeli citizens and simply murdering Israeli farmers.

Israel however, is not waging war on Hzebollah to get its captured soldiers back. Israel is waging war to DESTROY HEZBOLLAH.

Personally, I don't blame them. What would you do if your neighbors had 13,000 rockets filled with unknown payloads pointed at your people?

Ultimately Hezbollah will not surrender and its leader, Hassan Nasrallah will not return the soldiers or stop firing rockets until his demand are met and Israel releases its Arab prisoners.

If that does happen, and Israel releases the prisoners, I see it as a MAJOR losss for both America and Israel since terrorists will see that they were able to force the Jews to bend to their demands. Ultimately the Arab Terrorists will be emboldened to continue to strike against Israel and America since they will believe that it is possible to gain small victories every now and then and ultimately win.

I don't think the Kinneset (Israel's parliament) is really willing to give up the prisoners though. I think they are willing to write off the lives of those few Israeli soldiers so they can strike deeper into Lebanon and kill off more of Hezbollah.

I personally feel Israel would be suicidal to give into the Terrorist demands OR to leave any of those Katyusha rockets left intact.

Most likely the diplomatic talk is just a cover to show the rest of the world that Israel is willing to negotiate and is not warlike.

If you look back in history, you would see that after Israel pushed its boarders back repelling attacks from the Arabs, Israel gave back the land to Lebanese and recently gave up the Gaza strip - now Hezbollah and Hamas have resettled and rebuilt themselves even moreso dedicated to destroying Israel. This is definately not a "land grab" movement as Israel allready has too much land to defend from its surroundings.

I am actually dissappointed that the media depicts Israel as a war monger almost totally ignoring the fact that the Arabs are using suicide bombings and rocketry to kill Israeli Civilians.

I saw a news fotage the other day of people marching with a sign that read "STOP ISRAELI GESTAPO TACTICS".

How do people ignore the ovious facts that Israel is under constant attack from its closest neighbors?

Imagine an America constantly under attack from Canada, Mexico, Cuba, Greenland, Iceland and

the Caribbean. It would be the exact same situation.
Reply:Israel's agenda? Survival!
Reply:what don't you get? Israel pulled out of southern Lebanon a few years ago and look what happened! The Hezbollah built themselves back up (with the help of Syria and Iran) and so now Israel has to defend herself all over again!

Same thing with Hamas in Gaza!
Reply:Israel's true agenda is to shut down Hezbollah once and for all. Why would they want to take over Lebanon and breed a whole new generation of resentful freedom fighters?
Reply:its all a plan of the usa, they sell heaps of bombs and **** to isreal, so the bush clan can make some more bucks, then when libanon starts to recover the usa will jump in and offer help, to make some mor emoney.

apart from that i think all the jews in isreal are complete brainwashed idiots.
Reply:Israel has been getting squeezed for a long time now. I think that it has been looking for an easy battle to let out some frustration as well as show its power. Once it shows it isn't something that can be walked all over others might start taking it a little more serious instead of just demanding it back down.

I don't think that it will ever take over another country or even territory within a country. It has done that several times before and always it is made to give it back. I think it might go in and install a puppet government that it can control. This way it will get the power and influence it wants, keep a buffer on its border and not have to worry about giving it back someday.
Reply:Israel's true adgenda is survival in the face of enemies who's sworn objective is the destruction of Israel and the death of all there who are not Muslim. Hezbolla will never be controled, only eliminated. It would be much better for all if Lebanon did that rather than Israel, but if Lebanon won't, Israel is willing if required for survival.
Reply:hello i hate Israel for coming into Lebanon and i wish they could mind there own business and get the hell out. these people cause so much trouble.if they don't get out, things are going to get ugly. I THINK
Reply:Israeli population explosion + Big brother's approval =bad news for Lebanon............This is really just the start. People want to attack Iran. Iran will not let Hezbollah die. United States will not let Israel die. Russia and China will not let Iran die. See where this is going if it's not stopped...........

Bring back the descendents of the Palestinians thrown out of Israel many years ago hold a general election and then form a secular goverment and if that can not be done then the United Nations should be allowed to buy Israel and Palestine and use the tourist money to finance itself.

Yeah that's exactly what I said!

Im sick of this crap!

I hate these people using our Apache helicopters shooting rockets at rock throwers. They are the most arrogant country on earth and every bit as bad as hezbollah or any terrorist group could ever be. They kill 2 terrorist and 20 civilians and they justify that crap. They're pulling the same crap that we did to the Native Americans claiming that manifest destiny(Godifest Destiny) bullcrap. They buy land from people that dont own the land and make treaties with people who don't rule the land and they rountinely break these treaties whenever they're population rises, big brother tells them to, or when they feel insecure. They are absolutely no different than the Klan. Oh yeah, by "they" I mean the Israeli goverment not Jews in general and for those of you who think Im Arab or a racist white guy.......Im am neither....Im baptist, multiracial and my grandfather was Jewish!

King-Crane Commission.......look it up!
Reply:If you look at the Zionist agenda that is driving Israel's actions right now, the goal is to take over the middle east (for christians that means Jesus will come again...)
Reply:Israel's not-so-secret agenda is to be permitted to exist. They want peace, not to take over more land.
Reply:WARNING: do NOT click on any links put up by ANGEL OF THE MORNING STAR. the links spread viruses. he has posted one of the following links as an answer for this question:

all of these links cause viruses. he may change his name, so just be careful with suspect links.
Reply:Contemplate this: What would happen if:

- you disarmed Hezbollah, Hamas, the Palestinians, the Arabs and others in the region -- you would have peace.

- you disarmed Israel - the Israelies would be slaughtered
Reply:for all the people who claim that israel is over reacting and that it is not a fair fight; shooting missles at rock throwers.

1) they are not mere rock throwers, look at the problems the military is already having with this proxy army.

2)an unfair fight?? they could have thought of that BEFORE going into israeli territories, killing israeli armymen and kidnapping their soliders. it is a blatant act of war that I believe was made to take the heat off iran and syria. all the attention, where once was on the iran leader, is now on israel. also as for the unfair fight comments i always hear. let's not pull out the thorn in our side right now. let's wait for some gangreene and let is fester awhile so that we have a real challenge......

the answer is simple. israel's agenda is to defend itself. if the suicide bombs stop and the rockets stop, israel would stop. quite simple. when israel pulled out of gaza, and of lebanon, did the terrorists stop, of course not. they dont want arab prisoners released. their clear and simple goal is the destruction of israel. the fact that people empathise with these terrorists(not all arabs obviously) is something i can't understand. whoever said that Israel kills 2 terrorists and 20 civilians. I hope you know why. because they hide amongst the civilian population making it very difficult to kill one wihtout the other. they use their own people as propoganda devices. wow what a great group of people. I sure think i would like to support them. I realise that their military is not as strong as israel and people have this tendencay to root for the little guy but keep in mind the arabs in that area are NOT the little guys. Israel is vastly outnumbered by countries that want them gone. to bring another point people say well how would you feel if you were kicked off your land... well the original palestinians were not the palestineian people as people think of them now. they were a mixture of christians, jews and arabs. because the name of the area was palestine. the arabs coined themselves as palestinians which was in fac tthe smartest hing they could have done since now everyone thinks it was their land from the beginning. this was not true.

"We consider Palestine as part of Arab Syria, as it has never been separeated from it at anytime. We are connected with ir by national, religious, linguistic, natural, economic and geographical bounds."

-- This was the resolution adopted by Palestinian representatives at the Paris Peach Conference in 1919.

"There is no such country as Palestine! 'Palestine' is a term the Zionists invented! There is no Palestine in the bible. Our country was for centuries part of Syria."

Auni Bey Abdul-Hadi, local Arab leader, 1937

The jews have been living in the israeli area for thousands of years, constantly kicked out by the romans, or turks etc...

there was an offer for two countries (jewish and arab)and they turned it down siding with the other arab countries during the war of independance hoping the jews would be destroyed and they would have the country to themselves. they backed the wrong horse adn lost the war. then asked for their land back........ so even if people still think that israel kicked them off their land, fine, i guess i cant fight it anymore but as another analogy. think of the native living in canada and the US. whos land do you think we live on. do you see bombs going off in LA and could you imagine the consequences if that happened??

does anyone remember WHY israel was given to the jews? because no-one wanted them anywhere else. for god sakes they just want a peaceful home that is not being terrorised. please bring this issue to your own doorstep and imagine yourself in this scenerio by reading in to the issue and learning about it. dont just guess and take the easy opinion.

-israel does NOT want lebanon. if anything Syria would like to get back in. think of it, where are all the refugees going? syria. before the war lebanon did not like syria, after the war i suspect their opinions would change. it would be a prime opportunity for them to seize control of it as they had is earlier years.

anyways this is sucha topic that is impossible to argue since so many people emotions are caught up in it. All I ask is that people read into things before making remarks that could lead to more antisematism.

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