Monday, May 17, 2010

Husband and I cant agree on the name VOTE!?

Ok we found out we are having a lil boy.

I told him if it was a boy he could choose the 1st name since i chose our 1st childs 1st name. which we both loved

So he chose Owen for this child i said ok I like the name so its Owen now t he deal was I get the middle name

I chose Parker wich was my maiden name and kinda a tribute to my father, He ofcource is fighting me tooth and nail over it saying he wants Owen Riley. Not Owen Parker

I really want Parker

anyone who askes what me are naming him we say 1 different names.

Husband and I cant agree on the name VOTE!?
Go for owen parker riley..!! its a good compromise! x
Reply:Ok, I vote for you, first of all a tribute to your father is great, that would make it my first choice since Riley seems to have no significance, while Parker ties into the family, like a memoir or what have you. Secondly Owen Parker flows much more smoothly then Owen Riley, it's like trying to force 2 pieces of the puzzle together that just don't belong. Hope you get to go with Owen Parker :-) Good luck :-)
Reply:An agreement is an agreement. I think he isn't being very fair to you.
Reply:Owen Parker. Means more to you, obviously.

And he'd sort of be like Peter Parker.


Reply:I prefer owen parker, but does it go with your last name
Reply:Owen Parker

Owen your father first or middle name

I would say Parker, I like Parker, and I think it's cool that it's your maiden name
Reply:Owen Riley does sound better in my opinion.

This is a very hard choice. Especially considering its a child !

Perhaps you could give him two middle names? Or no middle name or just a different middle name alltogether?
Reply:I like Owen Riley
Reply:They both sound okay! Remind your husband of the deal you both made and tell him that it means alot to you to have Parker for a middle name! Good Luck!
Reply:Personally I think Owen Riley sounds better together, but it kind of depends on the last name as well. I like the idea of your maiden name as a middle name though. If your last name begins with a P, I would totally avoid Parker as a middle name, seeing as his initials would be O.P.P.

Also, tell your husband to quit being a big baby over this - you made an agreement, and he needs to keep up his end of the deal. You're the one carrying the baby for 9 months, you should definitely have some say in what you name him!
Reply:I like Owen Parker alot better, and its such a family tradition to use your maiden name , as the middle name! Hope you win out!
Reply:If the deal was that he gets to choose the first name and you get to choose the second, then it sounds like Parker it is. I think it is a great tribute to your family. Of course, you could give him two middle names and he could be Owen Riley Parker _______.
Reply:owen parker
Reply:Owen Parker!!! Love it. Riley sounds kinda girlish to me.

Your hubby needs to play by the rules.
Reply:Have you thought about hyphenating the middle name? His name could be Owen Riley-Parker LAST NAME I know it's a mouthful but honestly, how often do you use your middle name? It's not like he would have to write it everyday. And you would both get what you want, including the honor of your dad. You want to think long and hard on this, I gave in to my ex's name idea for my son and I regret it every day. I like the way that sounds actually Owen Riley-Parker. GOOD LUCK!!
Reply:He chose the first name so you get to pick the middle name, that's that! Owen Parker sounds much better! I guess you can always give him 2 middle names but that's kind of silly I think.

Riley I think of as a GIRLY name!

Why doesn't your husband want to use Parker for the middle name when it has alot of meaning to you? Let him pick the middle name for the next child.
Reply:Since he agreed on letting you choose the middle name, and having him choose the first name, he shouldn't even say anything about it because you didn't say anything when he choose Owen.

So just tell him that an agreement was and agreement.

%26amp;%26amp; CONGRATULATIONS!
Reply:I think you should be able to use Parker, he picked the first name, and you didn't disagree. He is being unfair.....just remind him that YOU are the one who has been carrying the baby for 9 months, and YOU are the one who has to push him you should be able to pick the name you want. And Parker is obviously very meaningful to you, he should understand that. I vote on YOUR side :-)

PS... Riley sounds kind of girly to me too...Owen Parker sounds like a strong manly name! :-)
Reply:I vote for Parker.

While Owen Riley sounds great, a name with history and meaning trumps one that is merely attractive any day.

Best wishes!
Reply:II think Owen Parker sounds better. I think the fact that it is your maiden name and that it would be a tribute to your Father is kind of a deciding factor. Does Riley have any family significance?
Reply:I would go with Owen Parker as its a tribute to your father..
Reply:You fill in the birth certificate...

Tell him that you like Owen Parker for the reasons you stated.

Then tell him you are just as happy with Parker Owen. Let him decide which of the two you'll put on the birth certificate.
Reply:Congratulations on the new baby! Owen Parker!!
Reply:OWEN PARKER ALL THE WAY !!!!!!!! it has more meaning and riley sounds a little girlish, Congradultions and good luck !!
Reply:Parker sounds like a stronger name than Riley. I do not like Riley for a boy or a girl.
Reply:Parkers a great name but are you sure you want a baby named Owen?!
Reply:TEAM RILEY.....Honestly...Owen Riley sounds better.
Reply:well i think Owen Riley sounds nice

but Owen Parker sounds good too

and Parker means more so i think your should choose

Owen Parker
Reply:I'm going with Owen Riley.

Owen Parker kinda sounds a bit like two surnames?

Reply:Tell hubby that you are terribly sorry and although Riley is a great name and Owen Riley does sound good, this child will be named Owen Parker in Honor of you and your father. Remind him that it is a middle name and will not be spoken/mentioned on a daily basis. Kiss each other and get on with being parents and enjoying this pregnancy and each other. This is not an issue to be fighting over.

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