Friday, May 21, 2010

For German Shepherd lovers...Need help with my 8 week old puppy?

I just bought this adorable 8 week old German shepherd and he is already the love my life. However, I am having two problems with him: 1. He chews on anything and anyone (including my hand) and 2. He doesn't like his leash, he will fight me tooth and nail and when I force him to walk with it, he will cry the whole entire time and want me to pick him up.

Otherwise, he is a really smart puppy, I had him for a week and started crate training him right away and he picked it up really fast.

Another side question: I can't tell what color his fur is going to be. I meet both parents when I bought him and his mother was black and sliver and his dad was black and tan. Right now it looks a little bit of both, maybe a sable color. He is some tan around his face and then some white around his chest area. Is it too early to tell what color his fur will be?

Thank you

For German Shepherd lovers...Need help with my 8 week old puppy?
These are fairly common puppy problems. For the chewing...

DO NOT DO NOT - flick your dog's nose, spank him, spray him with water, yell or otherwise do any sort of negative action towards you dog.

Chewing is a natural action for puppies and giving him this sort of attention makes him mistrust you and may create other fears.

Purchase so really good chew toys. Kongs for example is a personal favorite. Air dog toys is another durable toy. Make sure you rotate the toys so he stays interested in them.

When your pup is chewing on you, refocus his attention to one of his toys. When he chews on his toys give him special praise and attention. If you're already treating him, slip him a treat. He'll catch on to what you're doing. -I get treats and pets when I chew on this, I get ignored when I chew on that-

You can also purchase a product called 'bitter apple' Its a chrew deterant that is NON TOXIC. It has a horrid taste and you spray it on furniture, clothes, window sills LOL. (My Golden would chew on walls, pants, table legs etc is she had the chance).

To walk on the leash... Attach the leash on while she's in the house just to get her used to it. Let it drag behind her as she plays, as you give her attention, feed and treat. She'll start associating it with good things.

When you take her outside lure her. Talk very sweet with her to encourage her, hold treats in front of her, toys etc.

And start small. End of the drive way and back, then end of the street and back etc etc. Let him sniff and explore while he's outside.

It may not just be the leash, its a big intimidating world out there.

Good Luck
Reply:Do not force him to walk on his leash it takes time to get use to it but by forcing him you could be making him hate it.

Put him on the leash let him get use to it, then hold the leash and walk infront of him and call him till he comes. Always reward with a treat when he does come. I did this and my 2 dogs learned it may take some time but he will learn just be patient.

Puppies chew everything, get him lots of different chew toys squeeky ones, soft ones, hard ones and balls anything and allow him to chew on them. If he starts to chew on a thing you do not want him to take the thing away tell him no in a firm voice and replace it with one of his toys. In time he wont chew as much but puppies chew to help teeth grow in and for fun. All dogs need some kind of toys to keep them from getting bored..

good luck, my Blue Tick Hound Dog chewed the back/side of my new leather couch. But it was my fault I did not crate her when I left and she was a puppy and I knew she was chewing..

have fun
Reply:I am not to sure about what color his coat may be, I think you will start to see this as he gets older.

As for the chewing, make sure that he has loads of toys for him to chew on. Him nipping at you is his way of playing and this is something that can be easily corrected. When he is biting on your hand, shout "ow" and then tell him "no bite". By shouting "ow", this will tell him that he is hurting you and that he should not bite you. If you see him chewing on stuff he should not, tell him "no", then take away the item and give him one of his toys that he is allowed to chew on.

He is still young and it is going to take some time for him to get the hang of the leash. Try just attaching the leash to him several times and if he does not struggle with it, tell him "good boy" and you can give him a treat. Once he is comfortable with having the leash on, you can then move on to trying to get him to walk with the leash on. You can use a piece of his puppy food or a treat and hold it in front of him and when he goes for it, move back some and have him follow the treat. While he is walking foward towards you, praise him alot and give him the treat. It will take time and soon enough he will get the hang of it.
Reply:its quite likely that your GSD is going to be black and tan as they are the dominant colors but theres a chance that you will have patches of sable behind the shoulders and the back of the neck. GSDs are my favourite breed congrats for your choice. because they are so intelligent they need amusing quite a bit and the chewing can progress into adulthood because it makes them feel good, give him something else to chew on. leash training just takes patience, be firm.
Reply:Your 2 problems have nothing to do with the breed....They are part of any normal "Puppyhood" and both will get better with time!

You need to leash-break the puppy - Put the leash on it's collar and drag it around the house until it starts to cooperate - It won't take long for the puppy to realize that it's better off walking along rather than being dragged.

Keep lots of toys around for the puppy to chew on and when it chews on things, or you, that you don't want it to chew, firmly tell it NO and give it a toy.

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