Saturday, May 15, 2010

What frustrates you most when talking to christians?

It drives more than a little bit nuts that you can show a christian some small bit of scientific evidence. An object that can be seen tested measured and they will fight you tooth and nail in an attempt to debunk it when its right there! Right in front of their face.

But they totally refuse to ever turn that critical thinking questioning mind on their own religion. And to top it all off, they claim to just be seeking truth!

I just dont get it.

What frustrates you most when talking to christians?
It frustrates me when I give them good proof that "God" doesnt exist such as Bible contradictions, that there have been many "Gods" throughout time and that in a couple thousand years this "God" will be mythology, and that there is absolutely no proof that "God" is real and all they can tell me is "May God have mercy on your soul". Christians are so ignorant. Why can't they bring their heads down from the clouds and start believing in logic and things that can be proven. Why can't can they believe in themselves and actually accomplish things instead of believing in some magic sky fairy to fix things?
Reply:Please try to understand that spiritual beliefs are for the most part a heart thing, not a head (intellectual) thing. The heart thing needs to be informed by the head thing, but the head thing will never be the primary ingredient. Some even refuse to consider the head thing. The key to speaking to a spiritually oriented person is through the heart, not the head. Some of us here, as you have noticed, hopefully, strive for a balance. I think it's interesting how you think I am a Christian.
Reply:The fact that any of them can believe the bible is real and worth following. Have they even read it? Then they have the gall to suggest that you would benefit from reading it more.
Reply:The fact that they just go on and on and on and on and onnnn..

They should respect other people's beliefs. Not try and shove christianity down peoples throats
Reply:Evidently! Perhaps you should consult scientists who believe get both sides of the story
Reply:For me, it's the close mindedness/stubbornness I see in a lot of them. Much like you said. They are just so unwilling to look at any facts that might shed more light on their religion (not even necessarily debunk it!)
Reply:i don't talk to them
Reply:Hard headedness runs on both sides of the fence.

You must admit.

But hey, when your beliefs are challenged, it has the effect of making some people defensive.
Reply:They use ONE book written by men to answer every question. Even a question such as 'the bible might not be 100% accurate' they will answer with a bible verse that says 'it is real' etc etc
Reply:INterestingly enough, every bit of scientific evidence I have ever come across supports the idea of a GOD and a creation I also love talking about science. I would love to hear from anyone if something conflicts or if you want to make a point. I give my word that I will listen to everything that is said.
Reply:They belong to an extremist faith. Despite their extremism, they are 99% atheist. They say that all religions are fake, except for theirs. Now I just assume it's logical to say either the human spirit exists or it doesn't. They say it only exists for their faith which started in or around 1AD. So, right off the bat, you know you're dealing with someone to whom logic, evidence, and common sense has no meaning. So why even bother?
Reply:When you try to explain anything to them they get this dazed far away look and you know you're getting nowhere. When you stop talking they say something like "God loves you, Anyway" and wander off.
Reply:Circular logic..
Reply:Here here! When I ask Christians about how can dinosaurs bones be millions and billions of years old proven by carbon dating, and the oldest human bones are what a few thousand years old, how can they say that humans and dinosaurs lived together at the same time? They say that god can change the age of the bones, or carbon dating is an unreliable science. Oh yes my favorite, "don't put god into a bread box, okay."
Reply:Hey mate, that’s par for the course I'd say. It happens when you speak to Atheist too. For instance since comets have a 10,000 year life span then why are there still comets? (A question I ask of Atheists) Everyone wants to think they're seeking the truth, this goes for me too but some people don't really have anything but their beliefs and they will fight against anything that seems to discredit that belief. It doesn't matter if your Christian, Muslim, Atheist or other, it's just something that happens. I became a Christian 3 years ago and still seek to find 'loopholes' in the bible (though I have yet to find any that are anything but taken-out-of-context ramblings) but I have found lots of information discrediting scientific views I fought tooth and nail to protect in my youth.

Ask your questions but realise that most people won't give you the answers you desire. For those you'll have to look yourself.

Can I also suggest that if you don't want Christians involved in this discussion then you post on an Atheist website where you will find many other people who share your viewpoint. (Designed to be a positive suggestion, not a negative comment)

I also checked the maximum age that any known comet could live for. They usually last for between 100-1000 orbits with an orbit lasting for approximately 200 years (my reference was mistakenly for short lived comets but these are comets in general) so the maximum average age for a comet is approximately 200,000 years although NASA believes that there is a comet that has an orbit of 40,000 years and would so make its life span 40,000,000 years. This still should have died out since the solar system is 4.5 billion years old.
Reply:The intentional application of ignorance and denial, the refusal to accept what is clear and unambigious, and openly fabricating their own more suitable facts..., otherwise known as lying through their teeth..

The most frustrating part of ALL this is that it's tollerated, indeed often sanctioned by the state, like in the USA or Iran for example..!

Fruitcakes, the lot of 'em..
Reply:What frustrates me most is how so many of them are so very very certain that they have all the answers. I can accept that they have different views of science, science is about questioning and challenging assumptions. I can accept that they think I'm going to burn in hell and that they are obligated to tell me all about it in graphic detail, I've studied and practiced Christianity enough myself to understand how self-reinforcing and complete that mindset is.

What I will not accept is when anyone tells me, even implicitly, that they understand my thinking and motivations better than I do. They don't. And they certainly don't want to hear that.
Reply:The flat out lies many of them will tell to further their religion (Darwin deathbed conversion anyone?)
Reply:i get along with everyone cause i'm not a douche
Reply:Chistians, the poor little people. Brainwashed beings, and quite scary if you ask me.The most annoying thing about them is like you said ,even if they see proof black on white they`ll still make themselves believe it`s not true.So they`ve gone to the extremes of brainwashing themselves. They really don`t know anything,I was raised a christian and there was always unanswered question in my mind coz when you ask the priest, "you have to believe", what BS!!!!
Reply:First off, your generalization about Christians seems extremely narrow-minded and bigoted. Where do you find all these supposed Christians who oppose scientific evidence. I've known a great many Christians, being one myself, and many of them were scientists, engineers and science teachers. My own background is in Bio-technology.

Secondly, while many people do prefer to take an analytic approach to religious belief, it is a belief system. This implies that faith or belief is the paramount source for acceptance of whatever doctrinal tenets ones religion is based on. This applies to all religions, not just Christianity.

Lastly, if you find talking to Christians so frustrating, don't do it. Or talk about something other than religion. We still care about who wins the super bowl, or whether the Fed is going to raise the prime.
Reply:If I had to pick only one frustrating point, I'd have to say their self-centered and smug belief that they own G-d. And that the only ones who will remotely have a chance at some spiritual salvation are those that seek it through Jesus Christ. When in truth, if Jesus actually did live and a Jew he would never consider such a thought as a holy trinity anything but pagan worship.
Reply:Why Christians, it is the case with many others also. The truth is that many neophites and imposters get into religious institutions and pose to be omniscient! It is they who appear before the public and tend to be the custodians of their religion, though they have little spiritual development. The Bhagavad Gita says that the Spiritual Science is the greatest of all sciences. Spiritual Science is that which teach us about God. You know, it is so difficult to understand physics, chemistry and mathematics, though these are ordinary sciences. Then how can one think of understanding the spiritual science easily? I mean to say, Spiritual Science is very difficult to understand. It requires high intelligence and high purity. Mere intelligence is not enough. Intelligence must be combined with purity. Purity means the purity of thought, word and deed. Only then can one think of grasping the inner meaning of the teachings in Spiritual Science. How many Christians have these qualifications? As far as I know, most Christians are inveterate meat-eaters. This is impurity of deed. The deeds must be pure so as to sharpen the intelligence required to grasp spiritual science. One must not kill animals to eat their flesh. One who kills the animal and one who buys its meat and one who eats it - all are polluted. The mind is made of food. One must have purity of deed so as to be able to understand spiritual science.

Probably, this is why, many Christians do not understand the inner meanings of their own region, and this is perhaps why they fanatically oppose any scientific evidence that does not suit them.
Reply:They frustrate me when they try to convert me by telling me Jesus died for my sins, that believing in Jesus is the only way to salvation, etc. When they fail, they say things like my soul will not be saved, I will not be granted eternal life, I'm worshiping the devil, etc. And I especially don't like the childish analogies they use to describe having faith - ever heard the one about traffic lights?

I felt very insulted when I was told of this analogy about a man from the city who tells the aborigine in the jungle about a traffic light that has three colours and controls traffic and the aborigine believes him though he has never seen a traffic light. Faith in God is not as simple as believing in traffic lights though you've never seen one simply because the former is a lot more serious.

I don't know Jesus and I can't believe in someone blindly just knowing his life and deeds from the pages of the Bible. Yes, he was probably a nice guy but the idea of humankind salvation through a violent death and the idea of God enfleshed are both offensive to me. Furthermore, the messiah the Jews were waiting for is supposed to be a mortal man, not a man who claims to be divine - which is why they didn't believe in him in the first place so don't blame the Jews for rejecting Jesus.

Seriously, I'm not pretending to be brave - I really don't care what happens when I die. I only care about loving my family and being nice to people who don't give me a hard time while I'm still alive.
Reply:I get really frustrated when talking to a christian that can't have his mind open to change his point of view about anything even given the proper reasons,motifs or explanations.And that is how all my christian friends behave.Sad.

See ya!
Reply:Of course, if you check the profile and see the "Member since: 06 June 2007" date, you'll realise it's not the real =42 answering this question. Just some pathetic identity thief.
Reply:Are you Muslim???

flip flop style

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