Saturday, May 15, 2010

A question for both Democrats and Republicans?

Do you care more about your political affiliation than anything else. Meaning, do you stand by your respective parties no matter what, regardless of what negative light shines upon it from time to time, solely because you belong to that particular group?

Is there anything that you disagree with with respect to your particular political group?


Why I'm asking? It seems that whenever something comes up that is negative, the party that negativity is focused on will fight tooth and nail defending that party regardless of what is said/found. Now, I don't take side with either party, although I vote. But this just doesn't seem smart. But, i'm young so what do I know, right?

A question for both Democrats and Republicans?
I absolutely do not stick by my party affiliation. I was Republican for sometime - but as psychotic as Bush has been and as supportive as the Republicans have been of his delusion of grandeur... I rarely support them anymore.

I think the party system is one of the worse things in government. I think people should stand for issues, not party affliliations.
Reply:Love your question and my answer is no, I do not blindly support any one idealism, which is why I'm an independent.
Reply:Democrat - would love to drop the Fairness Doctrine. I listen to NPR and am quite happy with the pinko coverage.
Reply:I think that we should have listened to Washington's farewell address when he warned against parties. I am a former Democrat, Green, and now Libertarian--and will probably change again----
Reply:You are very smart. I just stick with one party because they represent my values more. If a certain candidate comes along that represents my values but is affiliated with the other party then I would vote for him.
Reply:I care more about my country than I do the major political parties. It has been very hard sometimes to make myself vote when the choices are so bad. My first election made me choose between Humphry and Nixon. Yuck. My last election made me choose between Bush and Kerry. Double Yuck. I can understand most people just staying home. We need a space on the ballot that says: NONE OF THE ABOVE. You sound smart to me. But I'm old so what do I know. :)
Reply:No....I look at every individual issue....and it just so happens that most of the time it swings to just one party. However, that does not mean I blindly follow that one party no matter what. Good question by the way! Keep it up!

Tooth Ache

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