Saturday, May 15, 2010

How long did it take you to cave in to the high-tech world...or did you just go with the flow?

I fought it tooth and nail....I caved when I figured I could e-mail and all instead of long distance phone calls and mail.

How long did it take you to cave in to the high-tech world...or did you just go with the flow?
Terribly a snails pace even beat me. I had to be drug kicking and screaming to purchase my first microwave. I thought it was a sissy invention and would ruin the flavor of my southern cooking.

The computer was the same way. Everyone had one before me, my mother and all the siblings. Once I got online though no one can dynamite me off.
Reply:I was pretty much born into it...
Reply:I went kicking and screaming until PC's matured into Windows! Then I was hooked!
Reply:after coming out of hospital and realising i had to slow down.
Reply:I'm only high-tech with owning a computer. Still don't have a cell phone nor want one.
Reply:I guess it was more painless for me than husband in the 80's was a programmer, so I was exposed early. pre windows!!!
Reply:I bought my first computer in 1989, and several since then. I love new technical gadgets. I buy them for my husband all the time and use them myself, if he's not interested in them.

You gotta keep up!
Reply:After getting over the initial fear of the computer I bought sitting in my house unused for 3 months, I had my husband hook it up.

I still didn't touch it for weeks. Then I was so amazed after I got online. I was hooked. I love the hi-tech world including electronic gadgets in vehicles, and the hi-tech cell phones. Still, there are days I long for the simple life when we didn't have to remember passwords and all this multi-multi-tasking to make a phone call. :)
Reply:When I taught school and they were talking about them for business use etc..I was against them for personal use. Thought they were too "impersonal" !! lol...(That was before email). Then, I WANTED to learn computers..but I had this 100 FT. WALL..that would come up between me and the computer. ..and I'd FREEZE. COULD NOT COMPREHEND A THING ABOUT COMPUTERS !!! Then one day..CLICK...I could understand it. (now my son regrets telling me that I should learn) Of course, I'm still an amateur..and thank goodness for the spelling checker red line!! (used to think I was a good speller) I am and LOVING IT !!!!! Even after was a while before I learned about Y/A...and when I did, I just used it to ask questions. THEN..I found the categories and the "Game" of it. Now I'm on it every chance I get..and learning new things every day. Thanks to people with Qs and As.
Reply:It usually takes me awhile to try things, guess I want someone to get the bugs out first. There's still tons of stuff I don't know about a computer, but I get by ok. When my mom (she's 72) got her computer she read the book and did things on it that I'd never be able to do. You have to 'show' me how to do something,-several times, before I get it. lol
Reply:1985, felt so damned supid...teenagers were running computers and I knew nothing about them. Bought a "Leading Edge" 8088 (whoa! latest technology, 20 meg hard drive, amazing speed of 4 megahertz in turbo mode! and had 640 K ram (please note, K, not M, not G). Learn DOS and how to program, started doing all typing using a 9 pin printer, started doing all check books and business accounting on Lotus 123...boy, those were the days. ChessMaster played a damned good game of Chess, and Bridge Master wasn't bad, but never played as well as a mediocre real player. Hit the Internet in 1994, learned HTML writing (that was a real challenge, but sort of play), started writing web pages, etc. It was all done in Netscape in those days. Was there with Windows 3.1, Win 95, Win 98, Win 2000, and now XP. A lot has happened in such a short time...instead of using a blazing 14.4K modem, I now have 785K cable. Instead of a 20M hard drive, I have 1 terabyte hard drives. Everything is done on the business is Internet based, my life is computer based. I am amazed at those who still do not have a computer...they miss out on so much fun. BUT, I do not spend my life in front of a screen...I get out, I work out, I actually have a life outside business and computers...thankfully. Peace and love, Goldwing
Reply:I, like you, fought it tooth and nail...and I still have my internal battles with it....I came kicking and screaming into the computer age as an Americorp volunteer....I needed to be computer savy to do the stuff they wanted me to do....Yeah, there are parts of it I really like but boy oh boy it can really become addictive and time-consuming...
Reply:With an electrical engineer for a husband, it came rather naturally to me. He would sit at the computer in the evenings and really seemed to enjoy it. So I asked if we could get the internet. I've been hooked ever since.
Reply:For me it was a natural thing. Logical. I worked in a multinational corporation and in the early 80s the very first programmer the company ever had explained to me how the computers work and how things are organized and I just took it from there. Sometimes a simple explanation can get you started and the sky is the limit.

It's human nature to resist change, though.
Reply:I bought my first computer in '91!
Reply:I've gone through phases with technology. I sometimes hesitate to 'upgrade', so I'm not usually 'the first' to adopt something new. But, I've had a little bit of a geek-streak for as long as I can remember. I blame my dad, he was an electrical engineer....well, ok, it isn't entirely his fault....I'm curious and a kinestic playing with techy toys has always been appealing to me.

I went from a CB radio in my VW Bug, to a hand-me-down 'cell phone' by the mid-80s. My first cell phone came in a case, the battery alone was the size of a shoe box. My current cell phone is a Motorola...a hardened, 'candy-bar', with a 5v battery and a spare battery. It is not the most up-to-date phone, nor the smallest phone...but is very functional.

I put off buying a MP3 player until this past spring. I'm now sorry I waited so long. I love not having to carry around CDs that scratch easily. I whined as I learned to use it, but once I did use it a few times I became very comfortable with it.

I remember playing games on a friend's Atari computer. He was, and still is, an uber-geek. I used to stop by and visit my dad at work, and he'd show me the 'main frame' computers, his monitors, and explain to me how it all worked. So, by the time I went to work in critical care unit at the hospital (1980-81), I felt comfortable with the EKG telemetry.....the techs got to the point where they'd tell me on the phone to 'run the diagnostics' for them, and read off what it said.

My husband's dad gave us his used Tandy TRS-80 computer about 1984. We mostly used it for word processing and playing games. My next computer was a hand-me-down PC, about 1985. I learned to do the DOS commands and to use Word Perfect-I kept little post-it notes all around the computer screen with the needed commands. I whined again when we upgraded our computer in 1990, because I had to learn how to use MS Word, dial up to the internet, and use all those other new programs. It was painful....I should have taken a class. I did learn, though. The computer I use now is one that I spec-ed out and had custom built by Hewlett Packard.

So, I guess I've been evolving along with most technology. I'm no where near as proficient as my husband and some of his friends....I call my hubby 'Inspector Gadget'....;)
Reply:I usually hold out for a while, but then I sort of go with the flow. Now I'm cell phone at the ready - just like the cowboys of old had their pistols at the ready. HELLO, HELLO. WHO IS THIS? HELLO.

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