Saturday, May 15, 2010

How does Christianity rate?

It's history is filled with wars and bloodshed, ignorance and superstition.

It openly endorsed and encouraged slavery and servitude, while fighting reform and science tooth and nail.

It's modern practitioners, somewhat neutered by secularism, have tried to become a kinder gentler church and pretend they were that way all along, mostly for PR reasons.

Women's rights and women's suffrage are the result of female Atheists like Susan B Anthony and Gloria Steinem. Reproductive rights, likewise, and how many Christian women use the 'rhythm method' or refuse to vote?

"During almost fifteen centuries has the legal establishment of Christianity been on trial. What has been its fruits? More or less, in all places, pride and indolence in the clergy; ignorance and servility in the laity; in both, superstition, bigotry and persecution."

James Madison, Memorial and Remonstrance against Religious Assessments, addressed to the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Virginia, 1795

How does Christianity rate?
6.0 on the Richter Scale.

Reply:Pretty low in my opinion.

Love and blessings Don
Reply:Very very badly. Its why they're losing converts. People finally have the courage to stand up for themselves and the strength to say no.
Reply:I believe all religions are the same - not just Christianity.
Reply:What you described are pseudo-Christians. On a scale of 1-10, they would rate a NEGATIVE 10.
Reply:Marry me! ;)

It rates as an infectious disease that debilitates its followers' mental processes with a feeling of superiority and entitlement.

It should be eradicated and people should be innoculated against it.
Reply:I'm sorry. You have Christianity confused with Christendom!
Reply:Um, selective bias and heavy distortion on your account there. You should rate your own knowledge of history and let others worry about the rest. Just kidding. I know you are slave to your emotions. Just cope the best you can.

Trivia: James Madison weighed less than 100 pounds.
Reply:I agree with you 100%. However, Islam is much worse. Islam is total intolerance for every thing else. If Islam took over the human race would never recover and fall into a never ending Dark Age.
Reply:True, true, true. And of course all you need to do is point out these facts, and then sit back and watch as Christianity crumbles.

Seriously though, I've never seen a Christian disturbed in the least by the history of his own religion. If he disagrees with, oh, I don't know, the Inquisition, it's easy for him to say "But those people weren't really following Jesus." Never mind that "those people" would've said the same thing of him, and would probably have burned him for it! And, of course, there's no ultimate means of deciding who's really got it right, since "faith" is never based on such vulgar and demonstrable things as facts. On the theory of the Inquisition, their burning of "heretics" was the execution of God's Will; and they had just as much proof as anybody!

This is what has led some particularly idiotic imbeciles to "literalism" - "I'm all right as long as I do exactly what the Bible says, no more and no less." The fact of the impossibility of "literal adherence" to a collection of wildly contradictory texts never strikes them, because they are as a rule congenitally incapable of intelligent criticism. But they DO at least loosely understand the conflict between the Bible and legitimate history and science - hence their massive campaigns of disinformation to hobble the progress of the latter. Christians have always been book-burners. "Young Earth" is only the new "Geocentric Theory."

On a personal level, I'm absolutely content to leave them to their ignorance and the rotten fruits thereof. On a social level, there is really no means too extreme to prevent them from further inflicting their insanities on secular society.
Reply:All extremely good points. However, Christians have been either raised to believe their way is right, or they have found some weak moment in their life in which they thought religion was the only help available to them (ie: quitting smoking, death of someone, etc).

You are dealing with a culture that MUST convert and keep people in the church and will not let go, as it would be a loss of power and money.

They will only see your statements as the work of 'Satan' and not open their mind to any other truth, other than the words their church demands they obey!

It's a sad state, but we are fighting a losing battle!
Reply:1) Buddhism is a disciple level religion

(live for others + beyond)

2) Christianity is an Aspirant level religion


3) Islam is an Individaul level religion (live for oneself)

- Kings of the past used Christianity to control the masses so they would pay more in taxes. Also, they pushed unyieldingly to convert everything in site becuase they wanted to bring as many colonies under their rule to control spice and trade routes. However, that was known as Christiendom.

I whole-heartedly agree that the only good religion is one you follow by yourself. While I believe the first two have valid points, only YOU are your own personally savior.
Reply:Religion rates pretty low in my book. The only ones that interest me are those without a central "church" structure. When I want to talk to God or the Gods, I don't need a church or a go between.

And the worst of them is the catholic church. The richest business in the world!
Reply:i would say, as a force for evil in the world, christianity's track record is spectacular and i would give them a ten star AAA rating!
Reply:Well said, Father Guido. I especially liked the James Madison quote. ...still true after 212 years.
Reply:All religious people aren't necessarily true Christians. You are naming only the horrible things done in the name of Christianity, and conveniently leaving out the tons of good things Christians have done through the ages, as well as the effect our faith had on people's thoughts and morals which is still visible in modern society. What would the world be without it, I wonder...

Also, the things you accuse Christians of are true of all groups consisting of human beings. Look into ANY country's history, and there will be enough to fill you with horror.
Reply:You're point about them distancing themselves from catholism is so true. IT IS the root of all chritianity, and the beginning of the curruption of the original ideals (which were already false). The catholics made sure the bible suited their political purposes, and now every two bit christian religion interprets this political document in their own way to suit their own agenda of controlling the masses for the sake of power and money.

It's rather sad that the christians can't see it.
Reply:On a scale from 1 to 10, 10 being the best and 1 the worst.

I'd rate it at 0.
Reply:Ironically, the answer is evolution (a term they love).

The purpose of the old religion was social control. Back in the day religion was a weapon of the state.

These days social consciousness has grown to were most people recognize that slavery is not okay, there's not reason not to wear mixed fabrics, and most women have no trepidation (if not interest) about voting. The old edicts of the church no longer suit; people cannot be controlled as easily as they once were (although that women being servile to men thing still won't go away entirely as the churches STILL try to control women and dictate family structure).

The only way people can stay in their faith these days is of course to take the different view of it. The human mind makes decisions first and rationalizes later - it's not unique to Christians. They will go through all kinds of contortions to make it okay to stay in their religion.

Christianity does have going for it the most insidious of methods - appearing to be something good while being something really vile. It's fear-based religion that masquerades as love-based; it's an egotistical religion masquerading as a humble one. Their deity is held as the best and purest and most loving of things, but an examination of course reveals it as a mass murdering, bigoted, uncompassionate being who won't take responsibility for its own creation.

But the fear of hell and rejection by something that will love us if we are only good enough are powerful motivators for many. Powerful enough that leaving this mindset can result in a major emotional crisis.
Reply:A relationship with Jesus rates higher than any date with Gloria or chat with the padre (Guido). History reveals Christians have been at the forefront of many past battles against injustice. See the history of slavery, early health care etc. Read the life of Jesus and see how he railed against the religious authorities, loved the poor and declared justice. See how His life speaks to you today! Then go and do likewise.

Christianity is about a relationship with the creator of the universe and not a love fest with the deeds of the church, many of which are deplorable. History is full of examples of people who represented a belief system and acted in a manner inconsistent with the systems ideals. This is not territory solely owned by Christians.

Happy reading.
Reply:Christianity was here before the RCC and all its inventions. Christianity began in the first century. Catholicism in the 4th century. Histoy proves this.

Salvation is a personal thing between a person and God. God commands all men everywhere to REPENT. He doesn't call us to serve in organizations, churches, assemblies, clicks, cults, etc. or to judge others.


It is an individual thing. When you stand before God (and you will) you will answer only for YOURSELF. It willnot matter what church or org you belonged to or if you didn't belong to one. It is YOU per se God commands to repent and he says to do it today.

It is YOU as an individual God will bring into either judgement or eternal peace.
Reply:Christianity rates near the bottom of the heap, above only Islam.

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