Thursday, November 12, 2009

Tooth pull question?

I had my tooth pulled tonight, it was a baby tooth, it was a bad cavity, he didn't want to do root canal on a baby tooth, I'm 27 years old,don't ask me why I still have some baby teeth...anyway, The Dentist was a lunatic pulling in one direction hard as hell, it took a while for him to stop. Afterwards as i sit here now...I can feel something in side of the hole, towards one side, it's sharp, and hard, and i can feel it with my nail...i had someone look at it with a flashlight..they said it looks like a tooth is coming down. But the Dentist told me I would have to get an implant when he saw my x rays before this, because there was no permanent tooth above it...Did that moron Dentist break a piece off that is still in my gum??? If so, is that bad? Or could I leave it?

Tooth pull question?
Sometimes there is bone on each side of the tooth that was pulled. It looks white, and feels sharp. Sometimes given time it your gum tissue will cover this, other times the dentist has to trim it a bit. If you were not comfortable with this dentist find another, but if you feel he is competent you may want to go back as there may not be an additional charge since this is related to the recent extraction. It takes a lot of force to pull a tooth, so pulling and pulling is normal. Jaw breaking is even a risk. Hang in there, you will be sore for a while, but I do think letting some dentist, any dentist, check the site is better than waiting for it to go away on it's own. I am sorry you are having trouble. :(
Reply:go to another dentist....the best you can do
Reply:It is possible there is a chip up there...........or a small possibility of a bone spur. Call the dentist in the morning and see what he has to say.
Reply:You shouldn't have let him pull like a lunatic. I would go to another dentist tomarrow, and see what they say. You might have a malpractice suit.
Reply:Maybe you feel a piece of bone? Usually baby teeth are not rooted like permanent ones. Call him tomorrow and let someone check it out for you. Good Luck.
Reply:I really doubt the dentist broke a piece off that is still in your gum, but it's possible. You would really need someone else to look at it in more optimal conditions than a flashlight. Try seeing another dentist since you obviously do not trust the one you saw.

Until then try rinsing out your mouth with some warm water, maybe with just a little bit of salt in it. Don't swallow. That should help things heal a bit faster.
Reply:could be a stray piece from the extraction. call the dentist, they will probably tell u to come in. if thats the case they will probably tell you to wait it out for a few days to see if it works its way out.

good luck!

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