Monday, November 16, 2009

Does anyone know if cancers removed from patients have signs of hair and calcium particals like, nails/teeth.?

You are describing dermoids or dermoid cysts.

For further information from a medically-intended site check:

Otherwise Wikipedia provides a decent entry:

Does anyone know if cancers removed from patients have signs of hair and calcium particals like, nails/teeth.?

will there are some tumors or cysts which can develop in the body which contain hair nail or even teeth.. they r called dermoid cyste or teratoma if its malignant...they can make huge tumors mostly in the abdomen along the midline....
Reply:That was the lady with the largest tumor on record. It's very rare, I think she had so many b/c of the size of the tumor. I could use some new teeth... hm....
Reply:***Cholesterol Free %26amp; Wheat Free***

Obtaining complete and valuable nutrition in our everyday, busy lives is a problem that plagues us all. Uncle Harry’s Food for Hair Skin %26amp; Teeth has been specially formulated by combining certified organic nuts, seeds, and other raw natural ingredients to deliver a synergistically powerful and revolutionary nutritive supplement food. Food for Hair Skin %26amp; Teeth helps to quench your body’s craving for essential vitamins and minerals in their natural and easily digestible form and also contains a wide range of disease preventing foods.

Trace minerals, enzymes, and other volatile ingredients are often lost in the packaging of supplement pills, which can sit in warehouses and on store shelves for years, with sometimes dramatic losses in potency. However, natural foods such as seeds and nuts, that are not broken, can remain fresh and alive if they are properly stored. This product provides high levels of major and trace minerals, phytonutrients, healing compounds, essential B-complex vitamins, omega 3 and 6 essential fatty acids, soluble and insoluble dietary fiber, all in their raw, unadulterated form.

Take a minimum of 3 tablespoons a day. Blending the seeds in juice, soymilk, or milk makes the nutrients more readily digestible. For maximum potency, keep Food For Hair Skin %26amp; Teeth refrigerated.

Benefits of Food for Hair Skin %26amp; Teeth:

Improves general well being

Increases strength, energy, and endurance

Provides powerful nutrition to promote and develop strong teeth, bones, nails, and hair.

Powerful relief for skin problems and helps to develop smooth healthy skin

Helps in the relief of constipation, diarrhea, and other regularity problems

Cell regeneration, renewal, and growth

Nutritional break down and health benefits by ingredient (per 100 grams)

** Indicates Certified Organic * Indicates Non-organic


Vitamin B: Thiamine .25mg, Riboflavin: .67mg, Niacin: 4.6mg Protein: 18.6g, Calories: 597, Fat: 54.1, Carbohydrates: 78.8g, Calcium: 254mg, Iron: 4.4mg, Phosphorus: 475mg Almond nuts contain potassium, magnesium, and phosphates, which makes it especially valuable for nourishing the nerve cells. They are recognized as muscle and body builders. The content of calcium makes it valuable for developing strong teeth and bones.


Protein: 19g, Calories: 414, Fat: 6, Carbohydrates: 6g, Calcium: 397mg, Phosphorus: 83mg, Iron: 25.5mg, Fiber: 5.6g, Vitamin C: 99mg Amaranth, although used as a grain is actually a seed of the amaranth flower. Used for centuries traditionally by Aztecs and Native Americans, amaranth offers complete and balanced nutrition. It has more balanced protein (containing high levels of lysine and methionine) than almost all other grains. It is high in fiber and contains high levels of calcium, iron, as well as many other minerals and vitamins. Prevents the disturbance of calcium and iron metabolism which usually occurs during old age.


Vitamin B: Thiamine .12mg, Riboflavin: .08mg, Niacin: 3.1mg Protein: 8.2g, Calories: 349, Fat: 1.0, Carbohydrates: 78.8g, Calcium: 16mg, Iron: 2.0mg, Phosphorus: 189mg Barley is known to help in increasing body weight in under-weight individuals. It is reported to help heal ulcers and relieve diarrhea as well as help in the prevention of tooth decay and loss of hair. It is said to improve the conditions of nails.


Protein: 12.3, Calories:, Fat: 2.3, Carbohydrates: 73.3g, Fiber: 10.9g Buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum Moench) is a broadleaf crop that is in the same plant family as rhubarb. Buckwheat is low in fat and sodium and high in potassium, magnesium, phosphate, iron (buckwheat is higher in iron than cereal grains), phosphorus and fiber. One cup of buckwheat kasha kernels provides over 20% of dietary fiber. It contains no cholesterol and 50% more vitamin B than wheat, with no more calories. Buckwheat is an excellent source of vitamin B complex: it combines B1 (important in rekindling energy by facilitating the working of the nerves) and B2 (assists lipids in preventing cholesterol buildup) with vitamin E resulting in an effective precaution against arteriosclerosis. Composed of 75% complex carbohydrates, buckwheat is also the best source of high biological protein in the entire plant kingdom, comparable to the protein level of whole milk or eggs. The human body can utilize 74% of the available protein in buckwheat. It contains all essential amino acids (eight proteins that the body cannot manufacture), primarily lysine. Buckwheat also contains abundant amounts of lipids, of which plant sterol (0.2%) is the most abundant. In addition, buckwheat contains rutin, a flavonoid known to reduce cholesterol, lower blood pressure, and strengthen diseased weakened capillaries. The effectiveness of rutin is strengthened by vitamin C. Buckwheat farinetta contains 4% to 6% rutin.


A well-balanced food, Carob is rich in Vitamin A and B-Complex as well as valuable minerals such as calcium and phosphorus, iron and copper, and magnesium. It is also a good source of protein. The nutrients in Carob help in building strong teeth and bones, and healthy red blood.


Vitamin A: 3.90IU, Vitamin C: 12mg, Vitamin B: Thiamine .15mg, Riboflavin: .12mg, Niacin: 1.7mg, Protein: 3.7g, Calories: 92, Fat: 1.2, Carbohydrates: 20.5g, Calcium: 9mg Iron: .5mg, Phosphorus: 120mg Corn has been known to help in cases of anemia, constipation, emaciation, and as a general building food.


1 gram of flaxseed contains:

Superunsaturated Fatty acids: Alpha-Linolenic Acid (ALA) – 550mg

Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids: Linoleic Fatty Acid – 170mg

Saturated Fatty Acids: Palmitic Acid 60mg, Stearic Acid 40mg

Monosaturated Fatty Acids: Oleic Acid 180mg

Flaxseeds contain B vitamins, fiber, protein, potassium, lecithin, magnesium and zinc. They are known to be helpful in the treatment of arthritis, bronchitis, cancer, dermatitis, heart disease, inflammation, and rheumatism. They were a staple of the Ancient Egyptians who embalmed their mummies in flaxseed oil. In addition to their high nutritional qualities, the seeds are prescribed as a demulcent, emollient, laxative, and a remedy for burns. The three principal components of nutritional significance in flax are alpha-linolenic (an Omega-3 fatty acid) and linoleic acid (an Omega-6 Fatty acid, dietary fiber, and polyphenolics (lignans). These slow blood clotting, prevent inflammation, relieve colitis, arthritis, gastritis, and other conditions, retard and prevent tumor growth, and boost the immune system. The lignans in flaxseeds are particularly useful in preventing breast and colon cancers. Our bodies are unable to produce the essential fatty acids (EFA’s) contained in flaxseeds. These fatty acids are vital for maintaining body temperature and the general health of the immune, reproductive, cardiovascular and nervous systems. Flaxseeds help reduce high blood pressure and cholesterol levels and lowers the risk of heart disease. Flaxseed consumption may also aid in eczema, psoriasis, arthritis and some menstrual complaints.


Vitamin B: Thiamine .48mg, Riboflavin: .11mg, Niacin: .8mg Protein: 11.4g, Calories: 312, Fat: 5.9, Carbohydrates: 54.6g, Calcium: 42mg, Iron: 3.6mg, Phosphorus: 324mg Oats have been recommended for muscle development and as a general body builder. They are also said to help the glands, teeth, hair, and nails, and skin. Its high content of Vitamin E is helpful to the heart and for healthy skin.


Pollen is a high-energy source known to athletes since ancient times and can help to desensitize allergy sufferers. It contains 18 out of the 22 amino acids in addition to essential vitamins, fatty acids, and enzymes, including rutin, which is of great importance for capillary strength. In addition, bee pollen contains all 28 minerals essential to the human body. Bee pollen is the reproductive element of the flower that is transferred by wind or insect to fertilize another flower. It is foundation of all vegetation life and is a complete food, containing all 22 nutrients needed by mankind for perfect health.

Pumpkin seeds**

Vitamin A: .70 IU, Vitamin B: Thiamine .24mg, Riboflavin: .19mg, Niacin: 2.4mg, Protein: 29g, Calories: 553, Fat: 46.7, Carbohydrates: 15.0g, Calcium: 51mg, Iron: 11.2mg, Phosphorus: 1144mg Known as the building stone of the male hormone, the pumpkinseed is helpful in providing relief for prostrate problems. It is also recommended in cases of constipation.


Quinoa, one of the world’s most perfect foods, has been consumed for thousands of years in South America. Since its advent in North America, it is being “discovered” as a good source of protein, iron, and calcium for our modern day diets. The edible seed of the quinoa plant has been called a pseudo-cereal because of its unique nutritional profile. It is high in protein compared to other grains, although it is also high in oil and fat. Wheat comes close to matching quinoa’s protein content, but cereals such as barley, corn, and rice generally have less than half the protein of quinoa. Also, quinoa has a good balance of the amino acids that make up protein, particularly lysin. Quinoa is also a good complement for legumes, which are often low in Methionine and Cystine. In addition, quinoa is a relatively good source of phosphorous, calcium, iron, vitamin E, and several of the B vitamins.


Vitamin A: .50 IU, Vitamin C: trace, Vitamin B: Thiamine .15mg, Riboflavin: .08mg, Niacin: .5mg, Protein: 2.3g, Calories: 268, Fat: .4g, Carbohydrates 71.2g, Calcium: 78mg, Iron: 3.3mg, Phosphorus: 129mg, Potassium: 575mg Raisins are a strength building food and offer benefits to people that are weak, emaciated, or anemic. It is also a powerful food for cases of tuberculosis, low blood pressure, constipation, and some cases of heart disease.

Sesame seeds**

Vitamin A: .15 IU, Vitamin B: Thiamine 1.07mg, Riboflavin: .1mg, Niacin: 2.7mg, Protein: 9.0g, Calories: 280, Fat: 24g, Carbohydrates 10g, Calcium: 580mg, Iron: 5.2mg Phosphorus: 308mg, Potassium: 360mg Helpful for relief of constipation, swelling, and tumors and in riding the body of pus formations, this seed promotes the general health of the body. It is also useful in clearing away chronic diseases of the skin, removing worms in the intestinal tract, and for treatment of liver ailments.


Vitamin A: 1.10 IU, Vitamin C: trace, Vitamin B: Thiamine 1.07mg, Riboflavin: .31mg, Niacin: 2.3mg, Protein: 34.9g, Calories: 331, Fat: 18.1g, Carbohydrates: 34.8g, Calcium: trace, Iron: 8.0mg, Phosphorus: 586mg, Potassium: 540mg. Soybeans are one of the most nourishing, easily digestible and bodybuilding foods. It has a high lecithin content which makes it excellent for mental fatigue and for protection against cholesterol deposits. Its high content of unsaturated fatty acid make it conducive to healthy skin.

Sunflower seeds**

Vitamin A: .5 IU, Vitamin B: Thiamine 1.96mg, Riboflavin: .23mg, Niacin: 5.4 mg, Protein 24.0g, Calories: 560, Fat: 47.3g, Carbohydrates: 19.9g, Calcium:120mg, Iron: 47.3mg, Phosphorus: 6mg This seed is essential to any diet and provides nutrients that are vital for the body’s growth and repair. Nutrients in this seed are good for weak eyes, poor fingernails, tooth decay, arthritis, and dryness of the skin.


A dietary staple to the people of Ethiopia, Tef is known for its exceptional mineral content, displaying higher levels of iron, potassium, calcium, and other minerals present in most other grains such as wheat and rice. In addition, Tef provides a balance of essential amino acids. Due to its high iron and mineral content, people in Tef consuming regions have been shown in studies to have higher hemoglobin levels and less hookworm anemia development. The nutritious strength of Tef lies in the germ and bran, as in most crops, and since Tef is too small to hull, the nutrients are abundant and stay intact.
Reply:A teratoma is a type of tumor that derives from pluripotent germ cells. The word comes from a Greek term meaning roughly "monster tumor". Teratomata usually start from cells in the testes in men, the ovaries in women and in the sacrum in children. The designation teratoma refers to a group of complex tumors having various cellular or organoid components reminiscent of normal derivatives from more than one germ layer. Teratomata are divided into three categories: (1) mature (benign), (2) immature (malignant), and (3) monodermal or highly specialized.

Teratomata often contain well-differentiated cells which can result in tissues growing in a teratoma which are quite different from the surrounding tissue—ovarian teratomata have been known to grow hair and teeth. Such a benign cystic teratoma is often termed a dermoid cyst, nowadays more correctly termed a mature teratoma. Some teratomata may contain a mixture of well-differentiated, mature tissues as: respiratory epithelium, hair follicle, fat tissue or mature nervous tissue. Immature teratomata of the ovary have a malignant potential in line with the amount of neuroblastic tissue present.

Testicular teratomata are generally less well-differentiated, and have a worse prognosis (chances of recovery are not as high).

Some teratomata secrete the "pregnancy hormone" human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG), which can be used in clinical practice to follow-up successful treatment or relapse in patients with a known HCG-secreting teratoma. It is not recommended as a diagnostic marker.

Some teratomata secrete thyroxine, in some cases to such a degree that it can lead to clinical hyperthyroidism in the patient.
Reply:This is definately a dermoid cyst and they frequently occur as ovarian cysts. JULES


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