Saturday, November 14, 2009

My teeth hurt and i need advice! and my filling is coming off along with/ 1 tooth has a sharp pain?

i only have one sharp pain in 1 tooth!

INFO: alright i dont have dental insurance and so we went to the top of the line dentist clinic in MEXICO!!! no i never ever want to go there agian!! this is because the dentist fixed and filled 4 TEETH. i had 3 cavities and had to be filled with some white filling.

BAD THINGS: my teeth feel like the are uneven 2 molars on my right are slightly higher that the molars to the left.

THE PAIN is on my top molar to the left and somehow it came out CRACKED!!! i dont know why but i had it like that for my whole life and she filed it (like your nails) and filled the outside with white filling.

So is it normal for some of the fillings to crack off to fit and are ALL THE FILLINGS LIKE THAT??

and why does my top molar hurt so bad i want to cry?? is it a nerve because the top has a sharp pain on the TOOTH every time i touch it soft. will it go away??

thank you for reading and any answers will help

My teeth hurt and i need advice! and my filling is coming off along with/ 1 tooth has a sharp pain?
this is what it sounds like:

1. your teeth were overfilled on one side, which is misaligning your bite. you need to have the overfilled teeth grinded down to match the other teeth.

2. A cracked filling will likely become infected and need a root canal. If it's not infected, maybe you can get a sealant put over it to cover the crack.

3. The top molar might hurt if the dentist overdrilled the tooth. I had very painful dental pain from a filling and when i went for a 2nd opinion, it turned out the filling was pressing on a nerve so i was in chronic pain.

I ended up with chronic earaches, sinus infection, dizziness, and later on, an abscess in my gum thanks to my dentist's mistake.

If you can't go to the dentist, try calling your local dental school and they can help you out or offer some resource.
Reply:going to the dentist may take out a big chunk of money but it is definently worth it

i had a similar problem and i needed a root canal

i suggest you see the dentist
Reply:You may have an infection (sounds like it). Maybe you could google for a dental clinic, teaching school, and get some adequate help. There are also agencies that may help, but better to go in debt than to die.
Reply:Most cities have what they call free clinics that help uninsured people, low income, etc. I would check to see if you are eligible for that...if not, then you're either gonna have to fork out some money for the dentist...or suffer.
Reply:Go to the drug store and get some Colgate prexoyl and rinse with that until Monday if its not better by then get to the dentist and get help before you get into trouble.
Reply:go straight to your dentist and they will fix the problem because if you dont it could possibly turn into something major!
Reply:It actually sounds like the piece of filling that cracked off might have been "flash", or some extra, uneeded filling material. If the fillings they did were too tall, your bite will be off and the tooth can feel bruised and sore like you described. You need to have the fillings adjusted so that they are not uneven on the chewing surfaces. ALso, if you don't feel a hole where the piece of filling came off, I would assume that it was an extra piece. Good luck, and call your local health depatrment for a referral to a dentist or clinic with affordable or reduced dental care, every county has a list of those.
Reply:i will say what you already know to be true. go to a dentist who has an in house dendal plan so you can pay over time. western dental is one such place. you need to do something soon for your own health. decide. do.
Reply:Long question. LOL. I am sorry you are experiencing so much pain! Ok....

It is not normal for "good" fillings to crack off. Are you sure it wasn't part of your actual tooth that cracked off, if so that is probably why you are experiencing pain. I am not sure why you are experiencing so much pain, only x rays %26amp; a pulp test would be able to tell if nerve damage was present though.

Also, a possible reason that some of your teeth feel higher than the others is probably because when the dentist filled your teeth, they didn't file the filling off to match the surface of your tooth on the high side.

I recommend that you see another dentist in the United States. If you don't have dental insurance, you could probably do a payment plan with your dentist or, you could call a local dental school and make an appointment. They are always needing patients there as well.
Reply:Call the colleges in your area ask about dental schools . my wife has good work done there
Reply:I can't believe I'm suggesting this... since money is an issue, you may want to go to one of the dental colleges. I've went there and had some good work done...and also had some really bad experiences. The trick is to make sure the supervising doctor checks the work carefully. Remember that these are students your dealing with and they don't know anything, no matter what they say. If you're worried about how good the supervising dentist is, request another. The cost is a lot cheaper.

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