Monday, November 16, 2009

How do I cut the nails of my Rabbits?

I tried all kinds of positions as far as holding them, my friend holds him and I tried to cut their nails but they kick and fight us tooth and nail. Is there any solution on accomplishing this goal? Thanks

How do I cut the nails of my Rabbits?
We always had a heck of a time with our buns, we ended up with a 3 person method... my sister would hold the rabbit, secured in a towel, on her lap, my husband would wrap a wash cloth around the buns foot and hold it firmly (not too firmly) and I would clip using a larger (human) toe nail scissors (trying to get that nail in the hole of a cat clipper was just too hard, lol) It was an hour ordeal with 2 rabbits, but it was worth it. :)
Reply:solution here take it to a veternariann as a pet wanted it done the right way??
Reply:If your rabbits fight you that much when you try to clip their nails, it would be better to take them to a veterinarian to let them do it. It can be dangerous to try to clip your rabbits nails when he's struggling and you don't have a good grip on him. You could easily cut too far or even rip out the whole nail. I say it's better to let a veterinarian handle it. That's what I always do for my rabbit. Look in the phone book for one that is experienced with small animals.
Reply:Put a towel over their heads so they can't see (something that won't suffocate them, though), and they'll be much calmer. They may still kick if you clip too much, though, so be on your guard. It might help to swaddle them except for the leg you're working on at the time if he's still very active, but the towel over the head works wonders.
Reply:Set him on a towel, then wrap him up in the towel and flip him over, making sure the towel covers his eyes. They're quite docile when they can't see. Rest him on your knees/lap with a friend holding him steady, then take the nail clippers and get it done pretty fast.

As long as he can't see when you flip him over, you should be okay. My rabbit used to be a psychopath with this too - a friend introduced this way and it's much easier. Best of luck.
Reply:you need to get a pair of pet nail clippers.....the type that have a hole and you slip the nail through and squeeze the handles and it cuts it- i would go to your vet the first time and have them show you how far down is safe (if you cut too far it will bleed) plus you will probably need to tranquilize it- they will be able to weigh the rabbit to find the correct amt of tranq needed. Then from there on out when you need to trim it's nails you just call the vet say you need a tranq and after you pick it up you give the rabbit the shot in the scruff of the neck and wait about 2 minutes for it to kick in and I wrap mine in a towel and clip away!
Reply:Try wrapping them up in a towel. You can then pull one leg out and clip the nails.

Also work with them on touching their feet and legs.

Hope this helps

Electric Scooter

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