Monday, November 16, 2009

Who would win in a fight? Trinity (from the Matrix) or Selene (from Underworld)?

___the rulez___

-nightime fight

-no guns or knives...only natural physical features (teeth, nails, claws, knuckles

Who would win in a fight? Trinity (from the Matrix) or Selene (from Underworld)?
selene deffinately. come on...immortal? hellz yea
Reply:O totally Selene
Reply:Trinity for sure! She was the original kick-a$$ cyber chick, Selene is just a cheap imitation! :-)
Reply:You forgot to put in the environmnent! If it was in the Matrix, Trinity would totally rule hands down. If it was in "the real world", then Selene would win by a fang. Personally I like Trinity better.
Reply:Selene........... Because she has more power then Trinity. But if Trin has some type of Natual power then the jump kick, then she would win.
Reply:Trinity from the Matrix

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