Monday, November 16, 2009

Ever notice the Pro-Choice Movement of today uses the same Arguments as the Pro-Slave Movement of 1850's?

In 1856 the Speak of the House said: I personally chose not to own a slave..but I would NEVER stand in the way of another man's LEGAL RIGHT to own one..the House erupted into a standing ovation. His Pro-Slavery view was wrong then and his ancestors the Pro-Abortion movement is wrong today. Both agree that they don't respect human life, one was "just"a slave another "just" tissue, forever linked in history together. The slave master argued that we can't set free the blacks because they weren't able to care for themselves...the Pro-Abortion's say's no one could care for these children...even though blacks can care for themselves %26amp; there is a waiting list for years for adoptions..BOTH are liars..BOTH don't respect human life. Both will go down in history together as the worst human tragedy America has ever faced...slavery and murder of children. Both refuse to hear another view point, BOTH will fight tooth %26amp; nail to enslave %26amp; murder.

My God..what have we've done?

Ever notice the Pro-Choice Movement of today uses the same Arguments as the Pro-Slave Movement of 1850's?
Throughout history women have been in control of their own bodies. They were the ones that dictated their own personal health. This would include issue of childbirth or the prevention of a child being brought into the world. In the 19th- 20th centuries the US government began to laws and regulations on how a woman would be able to have an abortion preformed. The practice abortion has been practiced and regulated since the earliest of human history through herbalist, physicians, and the court. Abortion ends a pregnancy before birth. An abortion is when a fetus stops developing and the body expels it, this can be due to a spontaneous abortion or miscarriage. When a woman chooses to end a pregnancy it is called an induced abortion.

Due to the absence of legislation for abortion in the United States the judicial system would use British Common Law. This law would establish the rules for abortion in regards to the quickening, when a mother first feels movement generally in the forth to fifth month of gestation. The fetus was not recognized by the courts until the quickening, after if an abortion were to happen it would be considered a crime.

Why then would abortions of any kind be considered a crime by the courts of the United States as of the 1900’s. It began to be reported that women were dying due to having abortions. These women were being poisoned or had unskilled mid-wives and doctors perform the operation resulting in severe damage.

Long before the development of EC and medication abortion, many methods of inducing menstruation were used for post-coital birth control. Many of them dated back to ancient times. One method was to use a plant called silphium. In various doses, silphium could be used for ongoing oral contraception, post-coital contraception, or to induce abortion. They would be used in the 7th century BCE. It could only be grown in the country of Cyrene and would be worth more than its weight in sliver. It would appear again in the 2nd century by a Greek physician, Soranus

Pope John XXI in 1276, published Hippocrates' recipes and instructions in Thesaurus Pauperam ("Treasure of the Poor"), which detailed the pre- and post-coital contraceptive properties of commonly known plants such as hawthorn, penny royal, Queen Anne's Lace, and willow. The text also provided information and instruction for the contraceptive use of such lethal substances as arsenic, mercury, lead, and strychnine, the use of which lead to the deaths of many women during the Middle Ages.
Reply:And as there was no political solution to slavery, there will be none for abortion. If you wish to stop it, it will require the equivalent of all-out war. Are you willing to sacrifice ALL freedom for the sake of fetuses??
Reply:They are 2 VERY completely differeny topics. You are ignorant of the facts.
Reply:i have indeed...good luck convincing them of it though....

goes right over their head...
Reply:I find it fascinating that in today's world, with thousands of pressing issues bombarding us from all sides, that there are actually people obsessed with little lumps of cells.

Fetuses are not people, friend.
Reply:comparing a medical procedure to slavery is ignorance at the highest.
Reply:You should find comfort in the fact, judging from the past, that it will take over +100 years for rights of "unborn" children, so quit worrying you little head.
Reply:A) One can be Pro-Choice without being Pro-Abortion.

B) "...there is a waiting list for years for adoptions..." Yea, for NEWBORNS. Funny how these people who so badly want to have children of their own only want to adopt the very young ones. There are thousands of school-age children in group homes, just waiting to be loved by a family. Funny how the pro-lifers overlook that little tidbit.

Get a life and quit looking for links that aren't there.

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