Monday, May 17, 2010

Am I the only one that is annoyed when people display foreign flags?

Do they not realize that it inflames bad relations when they have Mexican, or Puerto rican, or any other foreign flags in their cars? If they love their third world squalor so much, why do you they fight tooth and nail to come to my country? If they do love america, then why don't they show it? Maybe they should show a little loyalty to this- the greatest nation the earth has ever seen.

Am I the only one that is annoyed when people display foreign flags?
What's with all of the dumbasses calling you a racist? See what I mean about people not even knowing the meaning of that word. It's overused here on this forum.

Annoyed is an understatement. It makes me vehemently angry and more determined than ever to get these criminals out of my country. It is a slap in the face to every true American and to every veteran who died for this country. Good question.

I feel the same way that you feel.

STARS AND STRIPES FOREVER. If you don't like that, you are in the wrong country and need to leave.

Reply:all are welcome
Reply:dont be racist just put up your flag
Reply:I agree. Displaying a foreign flag opt show disrespect for America should be a felony, an punishable by sending them back immediately.
Reply:Why are you even looking? its their choice,I mean I have seen a few confederate flags and gay pride flags in my lifetime and don't throw a hissy fit about it.its just expressing maybe where they are from or what they believe in.
Reply:Yes, you are. I feel that people have every right to be proud of their home country, and if they want to show their pride by diplaying flags, then they can go ahead. You sound like a prejudiced republican to me.
Reply:It annoys me when they fly another nation's flag in deference and in preference to the American flag, yes very much. I agree, you don't want to be or don't feel like an American, get the f*ck out.
Reply:I agree all are welcome. My wife is from Vietnam. She came here to become an American. If you do not wish to become an American, please stay home.

I am not telling you not to help us enrich our culture but join the team or get out.
Reply:A flag is merely an indication of where one comes from.

The idea of independence and the right to fly a regional flag is a myth; as it stands only 3rd world countries would survive if all trade ceased as we are all so dependent on each other.

I think flags should be banned altogether, they no longer have any meaning.

We are all as one.
Reply:its called free of expression, and again don't be so arrogant usa is not better than the rest of the world, and you wonder why nobody likes you!
Reply:I have an American flag on my front lawn. I fly the Irish flag on St. Patrick's Day, lower than the American flag. No one should fly their flag in the U.S. in protest of this countrys laws. That is so WRONG!! I have a t-shirt with the Irish flag on it. I also have t-shirts with the American flag on it, and one with the Canadian flag on it.

I don't really owe any loyalty to Ireland other than it is my grandparents homeland. I am an American first. I do love Ireland, though, and my family still there. They don't live in third world squalor, they have very nice homes and work hard.~Guinness anyone?

princess My Grandpa fought in WW2 for the U.S. His ship was hit in the South Pacific and he was hurt really bad, he almost died. My Dad fought in Vietnam and was also wounded. My brother is just home from Iraq and might be going again. They didn't just fight for me, they fought for YOU too. I give my loyalty to the U.S. and I love this country. One of the rights my family fought for was the right to freedom of choice. If I choose to fly my flag of Ireland from time to time, that is my right. I would never be disloyal to the U.S. Here is where my patriotic, physical home is and I am 100% loyal to it. Ireland is where my ancestral home is. I owe no patriotic loyalty to it. But I do LOVE Ireland, too!! You shoudn't come down so hard on anyone flying their homeland flag so long as it in no way disrespects the U.S. or they are not flying their flag in protest of the U.S. I don't like that either. That is totally different. My family were (legal) immigrants, I am a natural born citizen.
Reply:No!!! you are not the only One . there are enough idiots in this here big old United States that get angry over trivial things like what another person decides to do To Me I say To Each His Own .
Reply:America was founded by immigrants from other countries, so even if you were born here, your great-great-great grandfather also was an immigrant.

Be tollerent to the people around you, we all can learn a lot from different nationalities. Displaying a flag from a different country doenst mean they love America less.
Reply:Not to show any disrespectful towards you, but don't be racist. Everybody's proud of there country's and there heritage just like we are of america. There's nothing wrong with having pride.
Reply:Man grow up, your family immigrated too. Some people are proud of both their heritage and their country. Is that so horrible? I was born and raised in Canda but when I got married we wore full dress kilts because we're proud of our scottish ancestry. Why is it so wrong for mexicans and puerto ricans to be proud of theirs?

As for you "third world squalor" comment, it is those comments that make it hard for people like me to believe that America is "the greatest nation the earth has ever seen." 100 + years since the civil war, 40 years since desegregation and it seems racial intolerance is still alive and well in your "great country"
Reply:You seem to have forgotten that you are descended from immigrants.
Reply:They can love our country and love their place of origin also. I'm a dual-citizen (US and Germany). My dad was in the army and my mom traveled along and thus I was born. Are you saying that I couldn't have a U.S. flag and a German flag hanging up in my yard? You know when you go over to other countries and I believe it's U.S. Embassies that display the U.S. flag and whatever country that Embassy is in. They do it and that's governmental, why not individuals? The U.N. waves all kinds of flags in the air.....=D
Reply:Look here Dude, if you think Puerto Rico is a third world country, start by going back to school and learning your history. It seems that when they were teaching this in school (that is if you went to one) you were out playing hookie. Puerto Rico is a Commonwealth, it is part of the U.S.A. and even if you don't like it I will display my flag in my car, if you don't want to see it, turned your face. Puerto Rico is not a squalor, maybe you are thinking of the trailer park you live in, but don't get confused, Puerto Rico is a beautiful island, that I love with all my heart. And for your information everyone born in P.R. is a U.S.A. citizen. So don't tell me to go back to my country because THIS is my country. Should I asked you where are you from? Where did your ancestry is from? I can bet that I belong here more than you.

Iam guessing this now but you are probably, one those people that paint their car red and put the Rebel flag on it. Well DUDE study a bit more before you open that mouth of yours. I never try to offend people in this forum, but golly gee, you brought out the best in me.
Reply:People display their flags because they are proud of their heritige. Not to piss people off. This is America and they have a right to express themselves no matter what you or anyone else thinks. What people like to forget is that Everyone's ansestors where imagrants when they first came over to America and stole this land from it's rightful owners Native Americans.

So if it pisses you off look the other way. It is their right being in "the greatest nation" as you put it.
Reply:Fascism doesn't allow people the right to Freedom of Expression. The next thing, people will be told what to wear and what to eat. Enough!
Reply:YOU ARE CORRECT!!! of course this is america land of american flags. people didnt fight and die to live in a country full of fricken mexican flags. thats why most americans get pissed off whenever they see them in THEIR country.--im also seeing a lot of b.s. about like "well you're from immigrants too" well that would be LEGAL immigrants who conformed to american culture once here just like all other LEGAL immigrants. that includes flying the american flag and not some other one you left.
Reply:I agree. If you're so proud of your country what are you doing here? People come to this country seeking it's freedoms and benefits, but at the same time bad mouth it and disrespect it. Yes this country is made up of immigrants. We come from different countries but we are all gathered together in this country, so we all have one thing in commen, we are Americans.
Reply:Oh my gawd...

If you are annoyed because our world is so diverse, GET OUT MORE! GET AN EDUCATION!

Ignorance, and illiteracy are damning. Make an effort and get to visit other countries. I bet anything you want, you'll come back with a healthier attitute towards what makes us different
Reply:the greatest nation the earth has ever seen. -- Now u are nuts.
Reply:No it annoys me too when I'm behind a car with a huge Mexican flag (full-size how ghetto) flying on the car. What is that about? That say's a lot to me about the people in the car and how they feel about this country. No I do not think there's anything wrong with having pride from where you came from but consider where you are at now. Your NOT at home anymore and should have consideration from the citizens of this country or go back home since it must be so great you fly a full-size flag off of your car. Seriously!!
Reply:We are a country of many flags
Reply:No. Its America for God's sake. Put up an American flag or go home.Right on dude.
Reply:they should go back where they came from if it is such a great country.


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